Have you noticed that a lot of challenges and upsets in your relationship happens because of one person’s sensitivity to what is being said or what they “think” they are hearing?
And have you noticed that after you have been with someone for a bit,
that is feels like when you get into a confrontation that there is no bottom to how deep and dark you can take it?
That there seem’s to be no bottom to the level of pain that you may venture into,
or the memories that you can come up with?
And it all feels so nasty, does’nt it?
It feels so real.
Arguing is never a fun thing in relationship.
Especially in our most intimate relationships.
But what causes this?
And how can we more consciously deal with this negative momentum that occurs in our fighting?
First, its important to relaize that it is NOT a reflection of who you are,
or who your partner is,
or what your relationship is.
Its just a vibrational discord that is occuring.
Its a reflection of your energies not being aligned in that moment.
And one of the best things you can do it to speak just that.
And state that it is JUST A MOMENT.
That it is a moment of imbalance.
It has no permancy to it.
Realize that you are both making too much of it.
That with all the beauty,
all the blessings that you have in life,
that what you should be doing is feeling just that,
But, don’t get caught up in the judgement of this realization.
Remember that compassion heals,
judgement harms.
Recognize what is happening in compassion,
be easy on yourself and your partner.
And, then remember that there is momentum in your energy that is moving you along like this,
Realize that this event that you are standing in right now,
is NOT from RIGHT NOW.
It has been building up momentum for some time,
it is residual momentum in your energy.
Just something triggered it.
Even though you may be feeling like you got blindsided by this dorment momentum,
that it’s okay.
Know that your vibration is where you last left it.
Meaning that just because this event is happening,
does not mean that you have to fall prey to your old vibrational ways of dealing with it.
You are being offered the opportunity to move forward with new eye’s as to how you wish to position yourself and where you want to go with your energy.
If you lean back into all those old memories that will so easily fester themselves up right now,
or you ponder all the times he/she said/did…
then you are now contributing to the momentum.
Leaning into ease and letting go of the energy,
you may feel strange or even fearful,
you may feel like you are jumping out of a plane without a parachute,
however the reverse is you fighting for your point,
and increasing the momentum of what you do not want.
Feeling insecure.
Self- judgement.
Self- Blame.
Feeling inconsiderate to each other.
And the list goes on and on endlessly.
As I am sure you have expereinced a few times in relationship fighting.
Instead try speaking this:
” I love you too much and I love me to much, I love us to much to continue this negative momentum.”
This statement offers zero judgement about the momentum or where it came from.
Its all accurate and real,
you are not making up the imbalance,
you are now just not adding to it.
You can want for whatever you are wnating for.
It is good and healthy to want.
The only thing you need to embrace is that in order for you to have what you are wnating for,
you must be a match to it,
and you cannot expect or demand another human being to act or be any particular way to get you what you want.
Or to make you happy.
Otherwise, this is making them a conditional lover.
Which makes your relationship one of need instead of love.
Instead when you step away from being conditional lovers/partners,
you now take responsibility for your own happiness.
You can say to your partner that you love them,
but that you are not going to act or do something just to appease them,
or to sooth their emotional state of being.
You can let go of the riegns of responsibility of what they are thinking or feeling and encourage them that this is thier moment to self-sooth.
Knowing that this is empowering to them and to you.
And even though there may not be any reaction changes,
you can stand at more peace because you are being authentic and in alignment whith your TRUTH,
verses being a conditional lover.
Think about it,
all relationships are the same.
In every relationship there is a dominant person and a submissive person,
and this can work well for many things,
it is also looked at as the masculine and the feminine,
we need the polarities in relationship to have attraction and desire,
but these poles can be abused.
And often are out of the name of love.
but when we access that poyant reality of who we all are,
children of God,
then we must also realize that the most loving thing in relationship is to accept and honor,
that no one is your boss and you are not the boss of anyone.
This concept of I own you.
I posess you.
Because I love you.
Is abuse of the word love.
It is not of the heart and soul,
but of the ego and fear.
Thus pulls us out of alignment and consistnetly builds and triggers such negative momentum as we have been speaking of here.
Realize that when you are looking for some sort of behaviour shift that what you are doing is trying to be the boss of your partner.
So instead of letting the momentum carry you to actually screaming these things at each other,
pause and say…
” I love you too much and I love me to much, I love us to much to continue this negative momentum.”
Yes pause.
This is the space to go your seperate ways,
to reflect and breathe,
to refocus yourself from fear and back into love.
This is also you putting the most important relationship back at center stage in your life,
that being the relationship with self and God.
It must be paramount.
And if you can make this relationship of the highest importance,
then your partner will follow,
because you will be in alignment and you will be magnetic in your ways,
acting and speaking out of love once again.
And this is where you move from.
A higher vibrational acting point.
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
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