Our lives are based on physical laws. When we let go of an apple in mid air it will fall to the earth. This is gravity. Years pass and our flesh reveals the time it has spent here on this beautiful planet. Our blood flows through veins and if we consume too much of the wrong foods then it cannot flow properly and will cause us numerous health issues. These are all basic, common and sound physical events that happen to our human bodies.
From a higher level, from our soul level, ALL is possible though. From here we can manifest good health, harmonic relationships, success in all areas that we long for. And it is from this higher self that we can become an Alchemist. Through our breaking free of the boundaries of our brothers and sisters, un-locking the chains of our life programming and through not belief, but certainty in our Divinity (that we are children of God, created in the image and with the same longing to share and create) we can then walk the spiritual path of the wizard.
Throughout time witches have been believed in. During the Middle Ages any woman who had her own thoughts and practiced a life of living off the earth, using herbal remedies and understood certain physical laws and ancient rituals was most likely condemned for being a witch. Yet the ancient civilizations where all our base religions come from all had “medicine men/women” “Priestesses” and “Wise women/men” to name just a few. AKA Witches.
Now I am not suggesting that we all submerge ourselves into the Craft here and take up Wicca, however there are many wonderful sacred rituals and healing remedies found on this path. What I am suggesting we all do is become our own alchemist. Learn to create the life we want. As James Arthur Ray says it, “All goals are spiritual goals, including abundant material wealth and mind-blowing sex.”
Tantra is a most perfect place to start with these spiritual goals! Our sexual energy can be cultivated to not only help but TRANSFORM our lives. When we have learned how to honor, and unconditionally love another, when we have worked through levels of blockages and have allowed our lover to see us, beautiful, open and vulnerable just the way God see’s us then we can step forth and channel our intense sexual feelings into manifesting a lifestyle and life goals that we mutually want and envision. In order to achieve this however we must first open ourselves to healing. In healing there are no promises, there is no room for expectations or controls. When we decide that we are tired of living a life dictated by everyone else and our ego (which normally rules us through fear and doubt) then we can open the window to some fresh air and discover our selves. Under the veils of pain, discomfort, fear, doubt, regret and loneliness lye a life worth living. Not surviving, but Ecstatically Living! Yes, you have to believe that YOU deserve it. You have to FORGIVE yourself. You have done nothing wrong. You have only been the puppet with your ego being the puppeteer. You are human. We all have these shackles and they are only shackles if we see them as such. As John Milton said, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” Here is where so many of us reside. We can have so many blissful things in our life and yet we focus on the hell that is before our face. We allow our Satan, our ego to rise up and cut our beautiful legs out from underneath us. Focused on one particular human failure that most likely will be a blessing shortly down the road, we sabotage our dreams. We then become the dark alchemist of our lives. Black magic swirls around us under the label of “bad luck.” Our friends and associates, even family may have sympathy or empathy for what we are going though, they may even lend a helping hand, but it is rare that someone will walk into our lives as we walk this path of the dark night of the soul (which can rise up at any point in our lives and can last what seems like a life time) and say, “You Manifested this Shit! Now it’s time to Transform it.” Yes, I said that. You manifested the shit in your life. The first step to healing is realizing that we manifest ALL the things in our lives. The good, the bad and the ugly. We are the creators of our destinies. If you want to be sitting on a beach in Cancun with the lover of your dreams and money in the bank, good relationships abound and ecstatic adventures galore hen YOU’RE THE ONLY one stopping it from happening.
Now don’t beat yourself up. Remember be gentle with yourself, your only human. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Learn your heart and listen to your soul. That quiet voice, which is your guide.
Once you allow yourself healing and acceptance you can then embark on a most divine adventure of a life time. The road of the magician. This path has many starting points and much scientific, religious support. Many of the greats in our past practiced one form of “magic” or another. From Jesus and Buddha to Einstein and Edison, these men all understood that they had to tap into the 99% reality. The part of our reality that we do not physically see but affects our lives far more than the 1% that we are aware of. This 99% is the matrix. It is the soul level. It is “heaven” where God creates and where we too can play. Dreams, phenomenon’s, spirits and quantum physics all start in the 99%.
In tantra we can learn what is called Sexual Magic. This is where we bring our ecstasy to a powerful point with another and through our lovemaking create magic. During orgasm, we sometimes see stars, lights, a feeling of being sent into orbit. We touch a place within ourselves that has no boundaries or limitations. We have a feeling of infinite possibilities, a sense of wholeness and joy. Creative power and Divinity. The only issue is that the orgasm does not last very long. And often we start our lovemaking with a sense of non-openness. We are not whole hearted when we engage in the magical act. But once we heal then we can come into this place with a higher energetic level of being and with our partner create a life worth living ecstatically. This pure, raw sexual energy is alive and creative. It wants to be harvested. It wants to be played with. It is not serious and controlled. It is free!
As we learn to tap into this energy and practice Tantric techniques to help allow longer, full body orgasm along with gaining understanding of the power of our thoughts and that we are all beings of energy then, then we have put on our witches hats and picked up our Merlin wands.
Be the Alchemist of Beauty and Light in your life!
~ Step out of the social currents that normally swirl around
you, causing chaos and disorientation.
~Decide RIGHT NOW to live your life CONSCIOUSLY, Deliberately,
and with a clear intent to manifest what you need and desire.
~Have the courage and determination to know that you are
responsible for your life. Take back the power that you have given to your ego
and others out of the desire to conform, please, or do the “civilized” or “proper”
~Reserve YOUR Divine spiritual right to use your sexual
energy to transform your life and live as a fully Orgasmic human being.