Arms open wide.
His arms, so open.
So supportive.
So full love.
Of acceptance.
I welcomed his embrace with my whole heart and soul.
Needing to be held.
To be carried in this moment.
Needing his witnessing of my soul.
My heart.
My pain.
My fear.
My love.
My gratitude.
There we were, a moment that happens often in our relationship. Saying good bye at a car door in a parking lot. Embracing each other with love. With a tender holding of friendship. Of authentic connection.
Today was different though.
Today I was breaking in the wake of my life.
I was washed over by the storm of my life and I did not have the strength to hold space for myself.
Today, I needed his strength.
I needed the witnessing and loving support of the divine masculine to hold me.
A fatherly love.
A lovers love.
A deep friendship of years.
A kindred spirit.
I needed to feel God come through him and hold me. Assure me that I was going to not just be fine, but be able to fly again.

And here he was.

I love the way he showed up.

Present attention.
His inquiry was deep but open.
So understanding.
So empathetic. Compassionate.
Full of love.
Soft were his words.
Connective were his communications.
2000 miles may have separated us, but he was there holding my hand. Holding my heart. Sharing his.
Months had passed since we saw each other and spoke last, yet these two hours on the phone felt like no time had passed. There was zero distance between our beings.
It was perfect.
He was perfect.
His holding and witnessing made him so.
I had been able to gift him with this holding in years past, now he was offering it to me and sharing his tales and lessons equally. Together we rose. Together we embraced life in this moment.
Our pain.
Our broken hearts.
Our misunderstandings and uncertainty.
Our joy.
Our faith.
A fellow soul crusader’s empathy and love.
A lovers love.
A friendship of years.
A kindred spirit.
I needed to hear his lessons of love and compassion. I needed his truth in this moment. It supported my own. His words encouraged both of us. God was speaking through him. His statement of, ” I answer to something higher than the law of humankind.”
Yes. I too answer to this.
I too align to this.
Our laws of ego and shut down hearts are not my truth.
I needed to hear this. I needed him to assure me that I was not broken. That I would fly again.

And here he was.

I loved the way he showed up.

His smile.
His embrace.
He walked through the door and just smiled that smile.
He embraced me from behind while I cooked dinner.
Kissing my neck.
Telling me sweet everything’s.
Those words.
His arms open wide.
His heart beat assuring me.
His presence witnessing me.
The tears I had cried before, in the parking lot, on the phone. He could see their residue left from my mascara on my cheeks.
He could see my exhaustion.
My fear. My concern.
His holding. He shared his breath with me through a kiss.
He assured me that I could fly with his smile.
He cradled my heart as it wept with his presence.
He cradled my aching body with his strength, his warmth.
It was ours.
These were our tales.
This was our truth.
Our moment.
The only moment.
A fellow seeker of truth and healing.
A lovers love.
A new friendship.
A kindred spirit.
The look in his eye’s. The smile on his face. The laughter he brought into the moment. His light. Telling me that I could have it all. Telling me that I was strong. That I was a mother f*cking Goddess! Telling me that I was radiant. Telling me that I was needed and mattered. Assuring me that I could fly.

And here he was.

I loved the way he showed up.

This was my day yesterday.
These three gentlemen assuring me,
each in their own way that I could fly.
Each sharing their hearts.
Their love.
Their presence.
Helping to heal me.
And I helping to heal them.
Through authenticity and truth.
Through unconditional love and the offering of our presence and witnessing for each other.
Here is the dance of the divine masculine and feminine in it’s beauty. Here is the ying and the yang.
These three men in less than 24 hours have done more toward the healing of my heart and soul than I can ever communicate in my written words.
My gratitude for their love, support, compassion, empathy, connection, guidance, strength, and PRESENCE goes beyond words or actions to be shared.
All I can offer in return-
Is my heart and my wings.
Thank you for being the wind beneath my wings.
For carrying me to a new space.
Thank you for helping me take a step in restoring my faith in the masculine. In men.

Thank you.

This is my share today.
It is a share of compassion. Vulnerability and gratitude.
It a share of the great masculine and how it can when it chooses, hold space for the feminine and love her through her storms and messy emotions.
This is a share to show all men out there,
Thank you to these three men who chose in one day to gift me with their presence and hearts.

A remember,

Always –

Stop Existing – Start Living

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