I would do anything for love!

But, I won’t do THAT.


Just like the song,

so our relationships unwind.

We have these THINGS in relationship that we refuse to do,

and some with good reason,

some because they are personal boundaries,

some because it is totally self-sacrificial to do and will only create far worse repercussions than saying, “No.”


Relationships are most certainly not about one partner always caving to the other.

It is not about always getting what you want.

Relationships are not about even making you feel happy, safe or comfortable.

Love just an FYI, is not about comfort.

Or getting what we want.


It is about getting what we need.

And when we think about what we need,

it is not that we “need” the other person to act, do, be some specific way for us.

No the “need” that relationship provides, is the support for us to  expand and grow into who we truly are as souls.

Therefore, often us getting what we need will feel like a challenge in the relationship.

It will feel uncomfortable.

It will feel testing, scary even and we will feel pushed to breathe into events and moments with our partner.

We will be asked to face our internal structures and inquire,


“Is this true?”


Is this really how I feel or am I living according to societal structures that have been put on me?


Am I leaning into my fear right now? or am I truly coming from my truth?


Love is testing.


Love will require us to have courage.

To have blind faith.

To open the door to trust.

And to evolve our beliefs.


So often though, we address love differently.

We tell our beloveds that we are:


👉Unconditional in our love – when in fact it is built on conditions.

👉That we would do “ANYTHING” for them – when in fact that means anything within my comfort box only, ask me to push myself a little into uncharted waters, well forget about that, I won’t do it.

👉That we want for their happiness no matter the cost – when in fact we require that happiness to fit into the picture that we have painted instead of holding space for what our partner actually needs

👉That we want them to grow, to be empowered, feel safe – when in fact yet again we only want this IF it is how we perceive that to be, NOT PUSHING US OUT OF COMFORT.

👉That we want to support them, help them achieve their dreams and become so much – when in fact even though that sounds great and groovy, we are not willing or understanding that if our partner chooses to grow and be all that, that it will require us as well to step in and do the same if we desire to keep the relationship.  If one partner grows and the other does not, then the relationship WILL end.

👉That we want them to heal – I love this one. Over almost two decades I have sat with thousands of couples who proclaim how they desire their partner to heal. How they just want the best life for them, for them to not live in the emotional/psychological and event physical pain/trauma anymore. But when faced with the road it will require to get their partner there, they instead choose to shame, guilt, even abandon and divorce. Proclaiming that they can’t do that. They cannot support that sort of healing and there has to be some other way.


Many years ago,

I had a lovely couple come to me.

I will never forget their consultation…

The man sat there,

so wild eyed and excited about the possibilities that laid before them as a couple.

He spoke of his desire to support his wife to become empowered,

to tap into her feminine energy again as their polarities were out of whack and she was more the man then he,

he excitedly shared how he wanted deep intimacy with her,

how he wanted to have connective sex again,

and have her into it.

He wanted her to have less stress in life and with family and that he wanted the opportunity to support her here as well,

he wanted her to have passion for life,

purpose in something she loved,

and of course he wanted her to be the sexual goddess that he knew was in there.


They signed up for my couple’s coaching and so the process began to “fix” his wife….lol


No such thing as fixing your partner people.

There is only unveiling and that is something only they can do for themselves.


The coaching process is about offering tools and guidance to achieve and support someone in their efforts to rebirth themselves.


That’s all.

No fixing.


Anyway, they became my clients and we started doing the deep awakening work to help them and her get the results that they wanted.


Fast forward 18 months,

I met with the couple and she was now glowing, radiant and happy, laughing and so full of life.

Where once I looked into eyes that were lost, empty and on the cusp of death of soul, with no ability to answer clearly anything or speak her truth,

now sat a woman on fire for life.


I looked at him,

He was still bubbly and happy in appearance.

He was still supporting her,

but he too was different.

He had, had an awakening of his own.

and was still in his desire to assist his beloved to heal and grow,

to come out of her shell, ‘to see her own worth and radiate the beauty that she had,

that he had to take on the mission to become the man that could hold that space for her.

Meaning he had to rebirth himself as well.

He had to face his inner demons head on,

and get real with the fact that he was not good often with what it was being required of him and them to get her to where she was going.


I watched this couple struggle for three years with this birthing process.

They came close a few times to divorce and throwing the towel in.

He weeped to me in session repeatedly about how he just could not support what she was doing.

He swore that it was not okay.

That if she loved him, that she would stop doing these things to him.

And yet, he saw her more radiant than ever before.

He saw her thriving.

But her thriving, (well what it took to get her there) went against almost EVERY cellular belief structure that this man had about life, relationship, marriage, men, women, love,and healing.


Now this couple is a success story,

he stuck it out.

She stuck it out.

They pushed through and each expanded, grew as individuals and challenged themselves to reprogram the beliefs that were holding them back in so many areas.


And today when I check up on them a decade or so later they are deeply in love, happy, connected and have gotten there because they chose LOVE.


They chose each other and they chose to not get stuck in the quicksand of old habits, fears and societal beliefs.


That being said,

This is not the case for most relationships proclaiming that they would do anything for love.


Most relationships are like the Meatloaf song.


They will do anything for love, but they won’t do THAT.


THAT thing that the song speaks of is different for all,

yet the same.


THAT is fear.

THAT is ego.

THAT is getting out of the box of comfort.

THAT is letting go of the concept that controlling our beloveds actions through our fear and not opening up to the possibilities of “What if, or maybe…”


Yes most relationships,

won’t do THAT.


Instead they will finger point,

blame and guilt, shame and play victim.

They will turn things around and say,

“But if YOU loved me then you would not need to do/be/act that way.”

They refuse to let go of past,

they refuse to compromise,

they refuse to just love their partner and trust in them,

and in God/Universe.


Most relationships opt for supporting old patterns of sabotage and trauma.

Supporting their triggers around abandonment,

around need instead of love.


And they try to force their beloveds hand, heart and life back into that comfortable little box that feels so good.

The logical mind in these moments support with tons of evidence as to why you want to keep that box,

it tells us why the growth,

The change is so dangerous.

And so the mission of saving self,

saving themselves from a feeling of discomfort,

turns into war with partner,

guilting and often separation.


My question to you today sweet reader,

is if you would do anything for love,

and you fear that by doing THAT thing that causes your heart to feel like it may stop beating if you do,

but your beloved is asking it of you so they can become full again, healed, and who they really are, so they can find their truth,

if THAT thing in your mind is going to kill the relationship,

but you saying “NO I won’t do that for love” will certainly kill the relationship, or you would rather opt for the death of relationship then doing THAT thing…


Then why not,

I mean let’s just go out on a limb here today….


Why not at least DO THAT THING and see where it takes you?


Worst case scenario is that you land where you were willing to go anyway.


Call me crazy,

but if you truly love and not need the person and the relationship,

then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain in exploring this life a bit and expanding yourself and your relationship through the support of your beloved.


What would you do for love?


As Always,

stop Existing & Start living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”


Enjoy these musings and free coaching? Want to level up your relationship? Expand into love and heal your past beliefs that are no longer serving your life?

Message me for deet’s on private and group coaching available world wild today.