“Dear God please help heal them so that I will feel better.”

“Dear God please get them to change so that I can feel better.”


“Dear God please send your angels down to comfort them so that I can get on with my life, they are bugging me.”

Yeah God, can you get on that?
Right now, PLEASE!
They are not doing what I want.
They are not acting the way that makes me feel good.
They are making choices that make me upset.
How many times if you get right with yourself do you have to admit that this is exactly what you are meaning when you are praying for someone else, or when you are dealing with a relationship?
You may have laughed or found yourself bewildered at my statements above, but if you dare dig into your heart you might be surprised at what you discover.
You might have to actually REALIZE that these statements are not far from home for you.
I know they are not to far from home for me.
I continuously work at letting go of my need to control a situation and other people’s choices, however I still fall into my ego and catch myself doing just this.
I find myself in this pile of sh*t,
a.k.a. DRAMA
And then somewhere in the shifting through it I come to realize that I have done it yet again.
I went and stuck my nose into someone else’s business or tried to interfere with God’s business.
Seem’s goofy, but it is true.


If you think you are above this but you:

Find yourself worried about the outcome of something,
Find yourself worried or concerned about what choice/action someone else is going to take,
Find yourself sad or in anxiety over a choice or action that someone else did,
Find yourself angry at how someone is not seeing, hearing or understanding you,
Find yourself constantly getting people to show up in your life telling you that you should do this or that,
Or you have constant interactions with people who are, well let’s just call them “haters”


You are caught in someone else’s or God’s business.
You are NOT tapping into WHO YOU REALLY ARE.
Yesterday, I was on the phone with a young man who I care about, but am very upset with the choices that he has recently made in his life and how they have impacted someone very close to me.
I had been requested to reach out to him and hold space, as he was going through some really tough events and needed a “sesh with mom” as it was put to me ( although he is not actually my child, I have the ability to show up and mom him, he will hear it from me).
Initially when this request was made of me, I instantly felt myself stepping to ego and thinking to myself, “well he just needs to change because I mad at him for this, this, and this.”
I felt VERY JUSTIFIED in my anger toward him too.
Thank goodness for doing your inner work,
because I quickly saw my ego and realized that this was not a reaction from my core, my soul.
So I said, yes to the request and asked if there was any insight that I needed before calling him,
the response was simple, ” I am going to respect him and let him share everything.”
This statement came to me with a gut wrenching feeling and thought that I had no reason to think. It was one of those moments when you find yourself questioning, WHY? would I even think that.
Yet, I had this feeling in my gut and this VERY BAD thought of what he was going to share with me. So I texted back the person asking me to hold space for this young man, with okay and I shared quickly what had come into me in that moment. Then said that I prayed I was wrong. The response back gave no answer to my feeling, just said call him.
Well, I quickly found out that my feeling and thought were accurate.
I had been given a psychic message.
My intuition was dead on correct.
My heart dropped as I listened to the tears, the words and the energy.
All my anger still sat there with me for the actions that I was mad about prior, but now I felt deep empathy, compassion and even sadness for what he had been through.
My ego tried to creep in here and there with, “Karma is a bitch.”
And perhaps it can be.
The truth is that due to a lack of alignment is why this event happened.
It was not punishment.
It was not karma.
It was lack of alignment to himself.
And here is the thing…
We all get out of alignment.
Matter a fact, many of us are out of alignment MOST OF THE TIME.
When we are out of alignment with our core.
Our soul.
Our heart.
we are out of alignment with GOD.
From here stems ALL of our pain and suffering.
From here comes our neediness and expectation of others to be some other way to make us happy.
From here comes our sabotage.
From here we finger point, blame, shame and guilt.
From here we reside in ego
NOT in love.
When we are in alignment, we can open up to love and compassion.
For self and others.
We do not expect ANYONE to fix us,
make us feel someway or another.
We do not hate, or even really see the ugliness of humanity.
We see that we are all human.
We see that we are all guilty of all the same shit, just at different levels.
We see our lostness in another.
We see our non-alignment in another.
We see our beauty in another.
We see our divinity in another.

No matter how that person is choosing to show up, we see our REFLECTION.

I chose to reflect love, compassion, forgiveness and presence for this young man yesterday.
I chose to instead of judge and damn, to open my heart and risk.
I chose to instead of shut down and armor up to lean in and hold space.
I chose to see myself, feel my pain as well as my GREATNESS and beauty. My fear and trust.
In choosing these things,
just perhaps,
I cracked open a door to healing for this young man.
Here is to a day,
a day of living from your heart.
From your core.
From your soul
From alignment.

And remember,

Stop Existing & Start Living

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