
Have you ever noticed how feakin’ wrong you can be on things?

Have you ever just stopped and questioned why you are so persistent, so dead set on making sure that things go the way you believe they are already even in the face of reality that it is not?

Life is really funny, isn’t it?

We get involved with relationship,

all sorts of relationship and then sh*t happens and we assume we know what the other person is thinking or feeling. When in fact we don’t have an effing clue.

What we are listening to, is nothing more than the babble in our heads.

This babble stems from our own insecurities and fears, not from TRUTH.

This babble is our ego’s  ignited and trying to dictate to us all that we really don’t want, but are likely to lean more into because we believe what is false.

I have done my fair share of assuming for sure.

I have been on the receiving end of assumptions as well.

Neither side is good.

Recently I was part of the babbling game of assumptions and it lead me to having to make a post on facebook to “try” and clear some things up.  However the issue with assumptions is that the one’s that are having the assumptions made on them go into the defense ( much like I have had to do) and this in the short run, prevents further clear communication as we are grasping for air to be seen, heard and witnessed in truth, all the while the assumptions are dumping them selves out and messing up the truth.

Making it hard if not impossible on the front side to see anything for what it is UNLESS one REALLY wants the truth and investigates it.

Which often NEVER happens.


Because we HUMAN.

And we humans love a good drama story.

The truth often is not as dramatic, exciting or full of gossip and luster as the assumptions.

Assumptions are like the telephone game we use to play as children.

You know the one.

I whisper something in your ear, you whisper what you heard in someone else’s and it goes around the circle as such until the last person speaks what they were told and the original person gets to say, “yes that is what I said, or no here is what I actually said.”


Assumptions can destroy people if they let them.

Assumptions are the basis of rumors and gossip.

Assumptions alter our thinking and beliefs about situations, people and even ourselves.

When we buy into an assumption, we allow the darkness of an untruth half baked lie to plant it’s seed in us and all our actions, thoughts and feelings moving forward are based ( no matter how hard we try) on the foundation of an assumption.

So let me get REAL with you guys so you can see the potential damage of an assumption.

TRUTH BOMB coming your way.

Here is what I shared on facebook to help clear up the assumptions that have been floating around my world lately.

See if you can guess what the assumptions were that caused my need to share this. Feel free to post your thoughts below. 🙂


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! It has come to my attention that there are many misunderstanding floating around in recent and over the last year or so. I am taking this moment to share the truth since these rumors are making it back to me from multiple sources. 
1) I am NOT a prostitute, whore, tantric masseuse or bodyworker.
2) I do NOT sleep with my clients. I do NOT sleep with other women’s men either. 
3) I AM a life coach that focuses in on sexuality issues such as shame, guilt, orgasm issues, and health issues. I primarily focus in on relationship issues and sex is a major component to these.
4) I DO teach sexuality and relationship workshops and classes. They are NOT orgies, they are classes.
5) I DO coaching in the same fashion that other life coaches do (i.e. talk therapy base)
6) Most of my work these days is done through phone coaching and online courses.
7) I have been in an open relationship with my previous partner for almost 7 years. That was my first open relationship ever. We both had other lovers and knew about them. This was public knowledge for anyone close to us. 

8) My focus in life is as follows God, Family, Healing, Work

If anyone reading this would like a more in depth conversation or conformation on these things then please just ask me to share. I am happy to set the record straight about anything you may want to know or have been told.I am extremely disappointed in certain people who claim to not want drama and want to live an authentic life sharing these false truths.Truth ALWAYS comes out.Moving forward. 
Working on forgiveness around MANY things.
This song sums it up well.Blessings to all of you caught in the middle. 
Fun stuff.
The way through assumptions is INQUIRY.
If you really want to know something NEVER EVER take the words of someone else, do your homework. Do the investigation and effing inquire with the person that you are questioning.
Often you find where the assumptions that you have been told are coming from, and how much is truth and how much is made up of the babble in someone’s else’s head.
Instead of blowing up relationships and worlds,
try a more peaceful emphatic approach of compassion and inquiry.
Use your words and your feelings to get the bottom of something.
Especially if you care at all about the person or people that you are hearing things about or speaking about.
We humans love our drama circles.
We love creations.
We love talking about things.
But in all of this,
what we accomplish is the creation of an illusion.
We support a potential lie.
When in doubt,
look at the source.
Look at the wounding.
Look at what you have always know of the person you are assuming things about.
And keep in mind Jesus words, ” Let those of you who have no sin cast the first stone.”
The reality is that assumptions are stones of judgment.
And judgement’s against us or others are often highly wrong.
Do unto others what you have done to you.

And remember,

Stop Existing & Start Living

For more coaching, truth shares and awakened education join me for 1+1 coaching via phone, zoom or in person. Or follow me on Facebook for my morning FREE Conscious Coffee Broadcasts where I share truth bombs and alignment asskickery.