It’s time beautiful to stop accepting so little for what you want.
It’s time to stop being available for all this shiz that is not serving you.
It’s time for you to OWN WHO YOU ARE and scale your life up to match that version of you.

But here is the thing gorgeous,
in order for you to do this,
to have that, that you so desire and feel that you cannot not do/have….

You MUST give yourself the damn permission.
You must give yourself the permission to receive the success,
receive the love,
receive the healing,
receive the lifestyle,
the joy.

Until you stop settling for suffering and lack,
until you commit to having what you want and you KNOW that you are worthy of,
you will never achieve it.
You will not call in what you want until YOU,
no one else make it so.

And you do this by giving yourself permission to be the damn person that you know that you are.

You do this by not accepting your reasons and excuses anymore and calling out your own bullsh*t.

You do this by applying not harder or more work,
but by applying your SOUL – led callings and heart to your life.

You do this by no longer closing your eye’s and hoping that ignoring it, that it will magically go away, all the while you sit around and fantasize about the horror that will happen.


When you have decided that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of not living up to the person that you know that you are,

when you have had enough of the not having the life that you want,

when you are FINALLY exhausted enough,
and gotten to the point of done,
and realized that NO ONE else on this planet is going to ever
come in and say,

“Hey you… yeah you with the big dreams and goals. You who deserves to have it all… you who has been working your ass off for so long and struggled so much… yeah you…. I GIVE YOU PERMISSION to have it now.”

Yeah that is not going to happen beautiful.
People may support you in different ways.
Your tribe will pat you on the back and love on you.
Your mentors will love you with some deep inquiry work and a smile of knowing.

But NO ONE ELSE will ever be able to give you permission to step the f-ck up to who you are meant to be and JUST BE IT!

That is all you BABY!

There is nothing that anyone else can do to get you to shift,
to scale up your life, your business,
to get you to heal quicker, love more open, trust again…


The only person who can give you the damn thing that you need RIGHT NOW…

Which happens to be permission to be unstoppable.
Permission to have it all.
Permission to BE YOU – unapologetically.


So what is stopping you?

When will you have had enough of your own bullshit?
When will you finally be tired of accepting so little for your life and your joy?
When will your suffering no longer serve you?

Because as long as you accept your suffering as something that is giving you the attention that you need,
as long as you keep leaning in on your reasons, worries, doubts and excuses,

the one thing you will be guaranteed is that you WILL NOT have what you want in work, love or life.

But you have to get to enough being enough.

You have to want for your own joy more than your suffering.
You have to embrace the reality that there is another way to connect other than through drama and pain body.
You have to want to release the bondage that you have put yourself in.

And when you reach this pivotal point on your path to CLAIMING YOUR LIFE…

You will give yourself the damn permission.

And then baby,
it’s LIGHTS OUT to all that holds you back.

As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”

Ready to say yes to your life,
to claim the lifestyle that you want.
Ready to love yourself.
To have the money, time, love, freedom that your soul craves for?

Let’s chat!