The more gourmet sex I have the less I make my bed.
It is so vitally important to have gourmet sexual experiences,
not just a bunch of sex.
That low vibe,
high friction,
fast food sex is simply not even worth the time it takes to get undressed.
And it most certainly does not feed your soul.
It does not drop you into your core, your primal sexual creative energy where many great visionaries, leaders, game changers of all time have spoken of accessing for life success.
It is not the sexual encounters documented in Song of Solomon in the bible either.
That sort of encounter,
that sort of divine,
touching the big toe of God experience happens only when you tap into your SOUL.
Which is a SOUL of SEX.
As Thomas Moore states in his book on this very topic,
“In sex an inner life of strong emotions and vivid fantasies meet with a real person to create a moment of exceptional intensity when life is full and reason is dim…
But it is the soul, and not some inanimate body, that feels the hunger and can’t resist the appetite.”
This appetite that is spoken of here and in Solomon is the hunger for life. The desire that even Jesus spoke of to be fully entwined with the creator.
With God.
Sex is soul food.
It is a vital nutrient to our human condition,
allowing us to gain access to higher realms of understanding and feeling,
where we become limitless in our manifestation possibilities.
However, in order to tap into this storehouse of magic and possibilities one must STOP settling for fast food sex and in turn DEMAND gourmet sexing.
Gourmet sexing,
takes one away from the linear mindset,
out of the monkey brain, where we desire for control instead of freedom.
Gourmet sexing is about tapping into our already full state of being and opening into our true spiritual power.
This is where we command in our blessings.
When we allow our soul the expression of gourmet sex,
in its craving of these blissful excursions,
we experience a separate reality,
where we tap into the mystery of being human.
Here in this enticing altered state of being and awareness, the SOUL discovers many truths about life, love, our partners, selves and God. This expanded understanding of sex ignites our manifestation capabilities and provides us the complexity and satisfying fulfillment of what being HUMAN can offer.
The details of what one once found important,
the fears,
concerns and doubts around our lives experiences,
the responsibilities that we take on to hide our truth and power,
all are washed away through gourmet sexing.
And are replaced with compassion,
a deep desire of authenticity,
passion, joy and connection.
In this altered state of a sexing we discover WHO WE ARE.
I can share from a very intimate note that when we tap into this way of sexing and living we impact all of life. The ripple effect from each who chooses the enlightened path of sex and the soul expression that is was designed to be end up being a healing agent in this ill world.
Now I call on you beautiful to inquire about how you choose to view your sex.
I ask you do you identify with the desire that your SOUL has to be expressed?
Do you cherish and respect the power of your orgasm?
And the greatness that it can offer you in your manifestation for a life of richness, abundance and freedom?
Or is your sex more equivalent of washing your hands or making your bed, where it has little meaning or depth and you cannot fathom such richness and power coming from what you perceive as friction based activity that serves for the reproduction or stress release?
Curious about the Soul of Your Sex?
Let me share with you almost 30 years of education, training and enlightened study on this topic and how it can NOT ONLY change your bedroom life but also your ABUNDANCE.
Message me about elite coaching now.
As Always, Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”