“Baby you know I want you to love me! All I want is for you to tell me how you will do this! So I can think of you loving me! Don’t you want me to think about you constantly loving me? to keep me so horny for you?”
It’s laughable is it not?
Yet THIS is how so many unconscious men believe that women want to be spoken too.
THIS is how so many men believe women want to be related too.
THIS is how so many unconscious men believe INTIMACY to be.
But it’s NOT!
Over and over again I witness in different ways,
from messages and emails, texts and actual conversations.
From people in my practice who are clients to people who want to be clients.
From the lovers in my life,
current and past.
I witness from men the concept that women have the same turn on switches as men.
The reality is that 90% of the time THIS could not be further from the truth.
And when men approach women in the way men get turned on,
touching us the way they think we want to be touched,
which typically only provides them with pleasure,
speaking about intimacy, sex, relationship, connection in the way that turns them on but never slowing the eff down enough to inquire what makes us happy, aroused, ignited…
Not On.
Statements such as the one above are not about:
igniting the woman
learning her
or even viewing her as human.
These statements are about:
“What can she do for me?”
“How can she turn me on?”
“How can she pleasure me?”
It is a statement of USE.
And turns your woman or the woman you are speaking too into a masturbation tool.
If we aim to turn a potential partner or our partner on,
if we aim to arouse someone,
then we MUST learn how to relate to them.
Now men get turned on by visual stimulation,
men get turned on by mental stimulation, fantasy.
Men get turned on by sexy talk.
Men want to witness the act,
and they want this because sex happens outside their body.
It is happening on the outside layer of them not internally.
They get ignited sexually first.
The heart and emotions come second,
and when the sex diminishes so does the heart.
Women on the flip side,
get turned on by feeling adored,
feeling safe, feeling like her partner is into her,
appreciating her for her thoughts,
her views and ideas,
women get aroused by sensual touch or compassionate touch,
women feel connected when their partner inquires about her day and life AND LISTENS to her response instead of the football game.
Women need to actually LIKE their mate and feel their heart/emotions.
When a woman is opened up in her heart,
her sex opens with it.
When her heart closes,
her sex follows.
And she DOES NOT FEEL YOU any more.
So if you really want to ignite your woman,
or any woman for that matter,
heed this message.
And penetrate her heart first.
be a good guy that is compassionate and INTO her as a HUMAN BEING,
inquire about her likes, dislikes,
her day and views.
Get into the FEELS with her by sharing how you actually view things, feel about different stuff and show her that you are HUMAN too.
STOP touching her for your arousal and start asking her how she wants to be touched.
Learn your woman.
Not by insisting that she relate to sex, relationship and intimacy the way you do,
but instead by honoring the beautiful feminine that she is.
Which is FEELING.
And then look out,
because once you open her heart to you,
(if she is into you like that, which you have no f-cking actual control over BTW)
then she will ROCK YOU sexually as well.
Or keep relating the way you have been,
and wonder why women are moody,
shut down,
on edge,
and walk away from you.
Your choice.
I suggest being a CONSCIOUS MAN.
Because Average and Ordinary ain’t no fun.
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
Working with couples and singles on have a F-ck Yes! sex and intimacy life is a passion of mine. I believe that YOU are worthy of that and more. Message me for deet’s on how I help you create a kick a*s love and financial life today. I work with people globally.