Only the divine masculine can hold space for a relationship with the divine feminine.
You say that you desire a relationship with a woman.
A woman who knows herself.
A woman who is passionate, turned on and comfortable in her own skin.
You say that you want a woman who will honor and respect you.
You say that you want a woman who is loyal.
A good mother.
A partner in life.
A woman who loves deep,
ans fierce.
You say so much dear man.
But what you must realize,
is that this sort of woman that you claim that you desire,
that you state you are holding out for,
that you are searching all the corners of your world for and just cannot seem to find…
Yes this woman.
She will DEMAND the same from you.
She will push your boundaries.
She will command your heart.
She will devour you if you are weak.
She will not settle for anything less than what she wants in a her man.
And this woman.
This woman want a MAN.
Not just any man.
She is strong in herself.
She does not need you to THRIVE or even to survive.
She is comfortable with being alone.
She knows her goals,
knows her heart,
If you come to her with your school boy ways,
if you come to her with ideas that your manhood is based in your pants or in your bank account,
she may play with you for a bit…💃
she may enjoy the offerings of your services,
but if you do not bring to her the true fruit that she desires and deserves then she will cast you out of her world and continue her pursuit.
This woman that you claim that you have been searching for,
that you have yourself believing is hard to find,
may be sitting right beside you as you read these very words.
But in order to unmask her,
you must be willing.
You must be strong.
You must be in truth of who you are.
Do you know your PURPOSE?
Can you embrace your HEART?
Will you drop your SHIELD?
Will you walk with the stance of a KING?
Or will you continue to cower to this life?
The divine masculine is a masculine on FIRE!🔥🔥🔥
Passionate, Turned On to Life, Fierce, Playful, Confident, Present and On Purpose.
To embrace her you must embody these.
Or let yourself wonder in the jungle of the lost,
who will continue to look for what they will never qualify to call in.
But in turn settle for the false relationships,
the heated moments,
the fleeting pleasures of illusion.
The divine masculine KNOWS that to have this woman that his SOUL craves,
he must first LEAD himself to his path,
and walk it in strength,
in courage,
and with enthusiasm of what he will discover within himself.
The way to this woman’s heart,
is through your own.
The reveal of your DIVINE MASCULINE,
the answers to your questions,
the desire of having her,
the search of what you want.
Yes sweet man,
You will never entertain her.
For this woman,
she is wild,
free and on purpose.
And only a REAL MAN will dance with her. 💃💃💃
As always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
I know that you may be scared.
I have been in those shoes before all too many time.
But that fear is not going to stop you.
You are powerful.
Introducing 12- weeks of “Unstoppable Power – It’s My Time To Fly!”
This is a once in a life time to work with me 1:1 from anywhere in the world.
If you are a man or a woman who is looking for a powerful game-changing opportunity to claim the life that you desire in FAITH and learn how you can access your dreams quickly by releasing old programs based in fear and shame around your worthiness, joy and abundance then this 12-weeks is for you.
Stop letting everything be an excuse!
You deserve better than those reasons you have to stay trapped in your comfort bubble of suffering.
Let’s level up your life over summer.
Message me for deet’s or leave a comment here.