Men Who Can’t Lead and Women Who Can’t Submit
GIVE ME YOUR POWER. I AM THE MAN AND WHAT I SAY GOES. Another laughable topic of today's time. The man who acts like this and believes that he is worthy of
GIVE ME YOUR POWER. I AM THE MAN AND WHAT I SAY GOES. Another laughable topic of today's time. The man who acts like this and believes that he is worthy of
WHY I DO SEX DAILY.... I have sex almost daily. It's just my THING. I do sex daily yes because I love sex, but more so for what sex gives me. And
Every woman wants a guy to have a rockin' resume! I mean all of us want that night in shining armor. We want him to be tall, dark and handsome. We want him
[jwplayer mediaid="10519"] STOP BEING A YES WHORE. Wow! Kendal that is a harsh statement for a Friday morning. What do you mean by, "Yes Whore?" You are guilty beautiful of doing just this. I am
Only the divine masculine can hold space for a relationship with the divine feminine. You say that you desire a relationship with a woman. A woman who knows herself. A woman who is
You claim that you want a HIGH VIBE woman. You claim that you want a woman that is confident, turned on, knows who she is, fun, loyal, no drama, non-manipulative, loves
I know what I want. I know my desire. I feel my heart yearning. Calling for me to breathe, breathe life back into it. To not fear love. Or to be loved. To not belittle love, offered at
My mentor recently wrote about how if you ask her to give up her art then you will never know her heart, because without the art there is no heart.
Little girls are taught to smile, be polite and make sure to not ask for too much or be too demanding. Little girls are told that it is their responsibility to