If your happy and you know it…

Oh baby you know it is exactly what you crave.

It is what your soul wants for you in every waking moment and with every breath you take.

It is your birth right.
It is how you were designed to be.

And yet you do not have it.

You instead choose to suffer.
You choose to ignore your truth.
You choose to say NO.

And you fall asleep at night wondering why this life does not support you the way you need or desire.

You wake in the mornings with thoughts of fear, stress, and frustration.

Never realizing that YOU,
Yes YOU…

have all the mother f-cking power.

You always have had it.
It has never been any other way.
You are the one.

You are the BOSS.
SO why do you keep allowing what you allow?

Why do you keep disapproving of everything that your soul craves,
that your heart wants.

Why do you turn away from what ignites you?

You know what I am speaking of,
that thing,

that thing that causes a great stir in your core,

that thing that makes your gut burn when you think about it,

that thing that if you leaning a little more into it and you admitted it,


Yes that thing.
That thing that if you allow it to just f-cking sit there for the rest of your life like you have done since its conception so far, will LITERALLY
eat away at your soul.

So why are you willing to sacrifice your everything to avoid that which is your life mission?

Your calling.

Are you really the sort of person who is okay with walking away from your hearts truth?

Are you really good with dying with this sort of regret?

Are you really so f-cking content with your life of scarcity, fear and average and ordinary that you are going to continue to say no?

Or are you one of the .01% who decide to CLAIM THEIR LIVES?

I personally really don’t care what you decide,
I can hope for you,
like I do for everyone,
that you do what is best for your soul,
and in turn that will be best for everyone in your life,
and in our world.

But at the end of the day,
I know that there is no one that can get you to do it,

there is no one that can make a decision for you,

you can blame others,
you can sit around and say,
“Well if so and so had told me, had texted me, had spent more time with me, then I would have the passion, the drive, the knowing, the blah..blah..blah. that I need to embrace the life that I want. To do the things I know I need.”

The reality though is this:


So start acting like it or don’t.
You can continue to sit around on your thumbs and blame, point fingers and cry in your whatever.

It won’t get you anywhere.
But you can certainly do it.

I can tell you that I won’t be there to support it though.

I won’t feel bad about it either.
I may empathize with you, as I have had plenty of moments like that myself,

but sympathy is a gift I will not bestow on you for your choice to remain a victim to your ego.

We all come into this world with the same opportunities.

You may disagree with me,
because you may look at the material world and think that just because someone is born into a life with money, more freedoms and liberties than another that they have some advantage over you.

But that is not so. 
That is not what I speak of this morning.

Sure those luxuries are nice and may help make one’s experience on the front side more pleasurable,
But they do not make a person


And they do not guarantee that a person will live their


And these are the things your soul wants for you.

These are the things that keep you up,
make you feel the way that you do,
cause you pain, from not living.

Make you wonder if you know yourself,
or if happiness will ever happen for you,
have you feeling lost and though there is always something you must attain more of to try and fill this void that is with in you.

Baby you are wanting what all of us are wanting.


And you are the only person who can provide it for yourself.

You must learn to allow it.
and here is another secret for you,
(since I like to share little secrets with you)

That happiness that you crave from a deep soul level is


the very thing…
yeah remember that thing?

the thing that will give you all the abundance,

all the blessing,
that you desire as well.

You will not get the abundance and blessing first.

No you must first find your JOY.
Find your happiness.

And the money,
the sex,
the travel,
the material items,
the relationships,
will then follow.

It does not go the other way.
It is that simple.

SO why the f-ck are you denying yourself of what you were born to live?

Don’t worry, be happy 

Just be it.
Be it now.

And as always,
Stop Existing & Start Living

Join me in October for 5 weeks of transformation,
where YOU Claim Your LIFE in 2018 Once and For All.
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