This morning I find myself sitting here feeling some uncalled for tension in my shoulder and neck. I did not wake with it. I was not consciously thinking thoughts of stress, negativity or scarcity. Yet here I sit.
I sit in this place and even as I type, I feel tears wanting to come up and be released.
The more I inquire and search within for
where they are coming from?
why am I feeling this tension?
I discover an emptiness.
A lost-ness.
There is no answer rising to the surface. Just emotion and physical repercussions of the emotion.
So I write.
I turn on one of my favorite Binaural Beats music sound tracks and I listen.
Hoping to change my frequency.
Hoping to release this charge of energy that is causing this.
Hoping that my energy will switch back to where I was at waking.
So I share.
I share with you to share my intimacy of being human.
I share with you to show that we all have internal work to do.
I share with you to say, it’s okay.
It’s okay to get tripped up.
It’s okay to feel pain.
It’s okay to not have the answers.
So I feel.
I feel into this space of not knowing and even though it is scary to not know I do KNOW that everything always happens for a reason and works out for my highest and best good.
I feel into this dark closet of my emotions and breathe deep and MAKE A DECISION to hold space for myself.
I feel into this uncomfortable vibration and realize that it is here to tell me an important message.
The message?
The message is that I allowed myself to step out of alignment with God.
Out of alignment with my core.
Out of alignment with my joy and well-being.


The message is that when we are in alignment, life will flow and FEEL GOOD.

The message is that we are ALWAYS being guided,
We often do not see the path,
However we are ALWAYS being guided.
The message is to TRUST.
What does Alignment look and feel like?
It looks and feels like TRUST.
It looks and feels like SURRENDER.
It looks and feels like LETTING GO.
Alignment will appear as RISK.
On the front side I have noticed that anytime I lean in more, trust more, surrender more, that I feel like I am risking everything.
And I am risking EVERYTHING.
I am risking what I have ALWAYS KNOWN
So I write.
I write this to help myself come back into that space of KNOWING.
I write this to support my core and to see the steps that I must take, I am already taking.
I write this because my SOUL needed to SPEAK to my MIND.
So I share.
I share this with you this morning to GIVE YOU INSIGHT.
I share this with you this morning to remind you to have compassion for yourself.
I share this with you this morning to remind you that YOU HAVE ALL the answers within you.
Is it as easy as just making your mind up to TRUST


It is!


Only in committing to yourself will you ever BECOME who you were BORN TO BE.

Trust in your day.
Trust in your heart.
Trust in your soul.
Trust in God.
And Risk all that you are COMFORTABLE with For ALL THAT YOU ARE.
Stop Settling for Less.

Leap this morning into the life that your heart desires.


It wants you!!!!


And Remember,

Stop Existing & Start Living!

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