Low Vibing Peeps.
You know who you are.
But what you may not know is that you are in charge of your VIBE.

I hate when I am low vibing,
And I must say I can be AMAZING at it
Cause when I low vibe
I go all the effing way to the bottom
Of my well.
I drown myself in that shit
Until I cannot breathe.
I bath in the muck
Until i feel destroyed
And have blown up my own world.

I really hate myself when I go there.
Yet life has taught me that we all go there,
It is part of our cycle.
No one can remain HIGH VIBE ALWAYS.
Because shit happens.
And shit piled on shit can most certainly send our vibe crashing.
Its moments of total overwhelm that can draw us down the low vibe rabbit hole. Its when fear sets in and convinces us that life is against us.
Its moments when we question our faith.
Question our hearts.
Question who we are
And discover we are lost.

This LOST feeling causes us to low vibe.
And once we set up camp…

Now we are f-cked.
And we have done it to ourselves.
In these challenging times of life we walk hand in hand with our self for filling prophecies.
We discover what our core beliefs
And expectations are.

Because what manifests in our world?
Exactly what we truly believe and expect.

And as our prophecies manifest before our very eyes we find ourselves embracing with a nod of certainty the evidence that we know at our core.

The evidence that
I am not good enough
Not lovable
Not worthy
Not pretty enough
Not smart enough

And our head lowers
And our heart sinks

Our frustration grows as we witness another negative event manifest in our lives.
We feel sorrow and pain.
We suffer and we cry.
We grow angry and point fingers.

All in a pursuit to understand
But still hiding from the REALITY that all our pain is ONLY caused because of our LOW VIBE.

It is the cause of all that we experience.

I hate it when I am low vibing.
But in the same I am grateful for it because it shows me where my work still resides.
It shows me my ego.
And it blesses me with the opportunity to LIFT MYSELF UP.

Because at the end of the day
No one is going to come to the bottom of my well and pick me up. Make me do anything. Or think successful thoughts. Or feel good.

No one can get me to love myself.
No one can help me know myself.
Or have the intimacy i need with self or God.

No f-cking soul on this planet can save my ass but me.

So here is my question to you.
You knew at some point I was going to loop back to YOU.

Why are you expecting others to lift you up?
Why are you still acting in fear of loosing anything?
Why are you allowing yourself to low vibe?

You are effing looking to be correct.
You are wanting to prove your point.
You are wanting to wallow in your ego’s shit so you can play the victim yet again.

Thats why.

You can have all of that.
But without me.
Without any high vibe peeps.
Without the high vibe things you crave and claim you want.

Don’t f-cking lie to me or yourself anymore.
Just STOP.

STOP with the effing lip service.
Your vibe says it all.

You can’t have both.
You cannot low vibe and live a F-ck YES! Life.

So choose.
Just choose.
It truly is that simple.
Its just an effing decision.
But you have to want it more than what you have experienced thus far in life, more than what makes you feel comfortable.

We all low vibe here and there.
It is normal.

Setting up camp there and claiming you did not that, that my dears is denial of your truth.

It’s time to get REAL.
It’s time to decide.

I don’t f-cking care what way you go.

I will NEVER low vibe for long periods.
But if thats what you truly want
Than God bless.

I wish you well.
I love you.
But I will not join you.

Claim your life beautiful one.
Claim your beauty.
Your light.
And as always,
Stop Existing & Start Living