You say that you could never do open relationship.

That you find it wrong and not natural.
You think it could never work and that it isn’t aligned with real intimate relationships.
You point to moral objections within your religious doctrines

Yet, you don’t see where you are already living and loving this way!

You are already in an open relationship baby!!!

Relationships are abound in our world. I’m guessing that you are in relationship with more than just one person in your life and most likely even have intimate emotional connections with more than one person in your life.

Sure, you might not be having sex with anyone else in your world but sex does not always equal intimacy.
I bet you have deep conversations and moments with other friends and family. Moments of sincere appreciation and vulnerability.

(If you don’t then that’s a whole other conversation and some intense coaching)

Are you telling me you aren’t intimate with anyone else?

Are you telling me that you don’t have an intimate relationship with God ?
God has set us free to have intimacy with others but you stand there claiming to desire to mirror God’s love…. preaching spirituality… and yet you don’t think it’s okay to set your partner free.

True freedom is giving your partner a chance to reject you! That is true love. That is true freedom. That is true openness.

Take your friends. Or your kids.
Do you just have one?
Do you restrict your love for one because of another?
Or do you just take the relationship with one for what it is and still love and connect with the other in a different way?

Or does it come down to you verbalizing that you want your partner to have freedom
But really you are ultimately holding jealousy and a desire to control in your heart.
Keeping your heart un-Godlike

Wanting to control their sex.
Wanting to control their feelings.
Wanting to control their ability to feel intimacy and connection.

By holding onto your partners sex you are chaining them in their growth process. Our sex is a driving force in our lives and is a creative force. By holding your partners sex down you are holding their growth as a human being down. Shutting down their ability to experience themselves and the world at a new depth.

Take is from me… every lover provides something juicy yet different.
It is a learning about self.
It is a learning about my spirit.
It is a learning about energy and connection.

By controlling your partners sex you are placing a collar around them as a person.

Real love comes when you give your partner the ability to follow their heart and are trusting that your connection is strong enough that they will come back to you.

That is real love.

Just like God is always trying to woo us and love us… but at the same time has given us the ultimate open relationship.
We have full freewill to reject
We have full freewill to have other relationships
Because there is a faith that the love is strong enough that we will always return.

God didn’t want puppets and yet you stand their trying to create puppets in your own life and using your faith as an excuse.

Open relationships are a very personal decision.
And they aren’t for everyone.
But I ask you to look at the true reasons that it isn’t for you.
Get to the heart of the matter and get real with self.

Because hiding behind false reasons isn’t helping you to expand and grow, nor is it helping your partner.

Love, light, & blessings,

Learn more from Addison HERE