I am going to be a guest on The Union – Real Talk About Personal Growth next week (January 14th). It’s been two years since my last appearance on the show and so much has changed in the course of that time.
This morning I finally got a moment to sit down and review some of the questions that was posted for us guests to reflect on.
I found myself in so much gratitude for the inquiry that was being offered as it allowed me to dig into this moment in time and where I am at, what I am currently being challeneged with.
The question that touched me at a deeper level than others asked was,
“What edge are you leaning into?”
I ask this question of my inner circle peep’s often, but sometimes admittedly, I forget to stop and inquire with myself on this topic.
Leaning into our edge is where we grow.
It’s where we expand ourselves.
It’s where we meet our soul.
And feel our heart.
Leaning into our edge in any area of our lives is what we all hunger for,
and typically feel this call to do just this around the turn of the new year.
It’s why we make the proclomations and affirmations that we do.
We set our intent with the DESIRE to lean into our edge and expand ourselves because we understand that without the leaning into our edge,
we can never have the life that calls to us.
But that edge is scary as F-ck!
Is it not?
It sounds so easy often to make changes,
we have this burning desire,
we have expereinced the consequences of where our current actions have gotten us and how it makes us feel,
the life path that we are currently on based on our ideas, views, beliefs and actions of yesterday,
and often we are not happy with where we are at or who we are in this moment.
We know that we are so much more.
And that this life of ours has so much more to give us.
So we hunger for change.
We desire personal development.
We crave healing.
And at our core,
at our core we get that the US of today cannot remain if we are to have the US of tomorrow that we want so badly for.
And so we lean.
Scared out of our minds,
our hearts race,
our tummies churn with anxiety.
We cautiously or hastely step forward hoping that we survive the ledge that we are on.
We fear falling.
We fear loosing.
We fear getting it wrong.
We fear not being accepted in our new skin.
We fear so much and it feels like we could die.
Many people in this leaning in back down from the ledge.
They slow their roll and get off the raggedy edge that shakes their internal cage of normalcy.
They step back into comfort.
Supported by excuses and good reasons as to why it’s just not time yet to make these changes.
Others, step a forward and pray that they survive.
Thinking to themselves that they can do it,
but doubting every step and looking at the potential risks with a passionate focus,
causing themselves to focus on the pain of change and development instead of bringing their attention to the beauty of the birth of themselves.
The raggedy edge shakes them,
and spins them until they are dizzy and exhausted.
Trying to hold onto the wheel of life they try to maintain course and control the outcome,
and then one day say,
“It’s not working!”
and lean back into the comfort of what they have always known.
And then there are others,
these others are CERTAIN of their SOUL guidance.
They are confident that the path is perfect and always leading them to a greater version of themselves.
Teaching them about the ebb and flow of life and how constriction leads to expansion.
They feel into all levels of emotion that rise from their own awakening into themselves and even though they may need to pause on the path to catch their breath,
they NEVER stop or turn back.
Pushing forward,
leaning further.
Allowing life to teach them the power of flexibility.
This is what today I came up with while jotting down my answers to the inquiries asked of me for next weeks show.
My realization is that this last decade,
and especially the last two or three years has shown me with great intensity the imporatnce of flexibility.
Of not getting caught up on anything and becoming ridgit to how I wish for anything to manifest or develop,
but instead to just breathe in the beauty of the transformation with certainty that it is moving me to my highest and best.
I bring this inquiry to you today as well.
And I ask you to really sit with the question,
“What edge are you leaning into?”
And if you have no edge,
then ask why no edge?
What am I fearing from leaning in?
And how is this serving me to be the person that I know that I can be and to have the life that I want so badly for?
Your power will be birthed from your flexibility in your mind and thoughts, your heart and emotions, your physical body and how you choose to move in it.
Lean with faith.
God/Universe has your back.
Trust in that calling you feel.
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
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