Scared to say NO!
You are afraid of facing potential confrontation,
you have painted an idea in your head that if you say no to someone about something that they will do further inquiry into why and you will have to get lost and caught up in the why, leaving the situation negative.
This fear of the negative has you feeling sick to your stomach, it has you nervous about speaking where you are at or possibly even having to admit that you are NOT READY.
You know that feeling.
We all have had it.
We all at points go through an inner struggle in saying no.
Because we have been raised to believe that its wrong in some fashion to not always be a yes,
and so we choose to disregard and ignore instead of standing in our TRUTH and be a no.
The issue with this is that we are not in true alignment.
It is not about your yes or your no.
It has NEVER been about what you answer.
And when you choose to disregard and ignore instead of facing your true answer to something you STEP OUT OF ALIGNMENT.
That feeling in the pit of your stomach when you ignore something or someone when they are asking for your help,
asking for a decision,
for direction,
for anything from you and you just “PRETEND” and hide,
like you did not hear them or see what they were asking,
And when you are not living from this place of truth,
you are not vibrating at your highest potential.
You may be wondering why things are not manifesting for you the way that you desire in your finances, your love life, your health or success or any other area,
but have you stopped long enough to see where YOU are holding your manifesting power back?
Can you honestly look yourself in the eye’s and say that you have acted and spoken from your most genuine space of being?
Can you say that you have been in integrity with self first and thus with others as well?
Have you taken on the challenge of stepping into your AUTHENTIC ANSWERS?
Or are you being like so many others who just ignore and hide.
Your life picture will tell you where you are at on this.
What are you wanting to create in your life?
Have you been settling for inauthentic answers and showing up in life or have you been stepping fully the f-ck in and being true?
Here is the thing beautiful,
it is okay to say no.
It is okay to not always be a yes.
Matter a fact in your acceptance of not always being a yes to everything and everyone else,
you actually are
And you beautiful are the most important person in your life.
You are the ONLY person that you “should” ever be a yes too.
It does not matter how much you like or love someone else,
it does not matter how much they make you think you owe them something,
it does not matter how great a deal it is,
it does not matter what you “promised,”
it does not matter how hard you or they worked on it,
none of that matters.
Whatever the reason you are coming up with as to why you should say an inauthentic yes….
No matter what the reason,
as long as you are NOT IGNORING OR HIDING from your TRUTH,
but in turn standing the f-ck up and saying your authentic answer,
then your authenticity will set your manifesting power free.
SO often people come to me as ask,
“Kendal, what am I doing wrong? I am working so hard at manifesting things but nothing is coming through from me. Why?”
My response is always the same,
“Where are you not being you?”
And often this not being you is simply you not standing in your truth.
Not saying yes or no and meaning it.
Not speaking ( not just thinking – but actually saying out loud or in written word) your truth.
When you hide….
You hide not just from the fear of confrontation ( which FYI is most likely imagined anyway)
but you also end up hiding from your power to create the life that you want.
Hiding is giving your power away to fear.
And as always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
It’s time that you start to say YES to the most important person in the room beautiful. It’s time that you accept your worth, and step onto this path that your SOUL is calling you too.
I know how hard the steps may appear.
I know that you are fearful, that you doubt if you have what it takes to make this shiz happen for you or not.
But I promise you that YOU can do it.
You can have it.The first step though is to recognize that you must let go and have faith in your process of getting there.
Listen to your SOUL and follow it’s lead.
Imagine having a coach who has been on a similar path guide you, help you discover the deeper meanings of what soul is wanting you to know.
What would it feel like to have that sort of support and guidance?
You can have this.
Message me for deet’s on 1:1 Private mentoring and coaching today.