What each of us values is certainly unique to ourselves.
Unique to our life situation.
Unique to our pocket books too. – LOL
Today I was out with my six year old son on a birthday date with him. He has been so excited about this date with mommy and he has been planning what he wanted to go get and do. When it came down to today, he woke up and excitedly told me that he wanted to go to Target and get Ryan’s Family Mystery Egg and then Starbucks or lunch out.
And so it was.
Here we are in Target searching for this mystery egg,
we finally find it, only two left on this shelf of Ryan’s Family toys and then I look at the price….
For a big plastic egg.
Filled with like six or seven dollar store toys in it???
Oh the excitement.
Oh the wonder of what mystery toys my son was getting in this BIG egg.
He was so joyous.
Lite up like a Christmas Tree,
the biggest smile you can imagine on a six year old’s face.
He had been dreaming of this moment.
“Thank you, Thank you Mom!”
Never would I have ever believed that I would search a store and then actually purchase a BIG plastic Easter egg looking thing full of dollar store toys for such a ridiculous price.
Now here is the thing folks,
It has NOTHING to do with the price.
It has EVERYTHING to do with the VALUE.
I looked at the quality of what we were getting,
I looked at the reality that I could get the same or similar things for one tenth the price if I wanted,
and I just simply find zero to no value in this plastic egg.
EXCEPT that is…
my son’s JOY.
That I value over everything else.
And that is why I bought it.
It was because he desired it so much,
his expression,
his wonder,
his pleasure in RECEIVING.
When it comes down to purchases it never is about the money.
Sure we may toss out the objection,
“How much does this cost?”
And we may quickly come back with,
“Oh, I cannot afford that!”
But money is NEVER the objection.
That is basic sales understanding and marketing knowledge there.
We use the price to avoid things.
In truth,
whatever we are using price to say no too is simply not valuable enough to us to figure out how to make happen.
Now I know you may say that this is not so,
that your situation is different.
That I just don’t understand.
And maybe you are the one in a thousand cases that this may not apply too,
but even then I can assure you that if you REALLY valued whatever this was that you are saying no too but did interest you enough to get you to inquire, to search out, to explore,
I have been down to my last few dollars in the bank and committed to a $13,000 coaching intensive that was only six weeks long.
I have been homeless, broke and not knowing how to put food on the table and registered for that next level of growth certification,
I have been at the end of the cash flow in my bank with only pennies left after my bills and found away to get my a*s to Hawaii for a 10 day Shamanic Retreat.
Did I sacrifice other things to make this happen?
I had to reevaluate what was most important to my over all life picture.
I had to look at the long term rewards, not just the immediate lack of comfort or push that I was feeling.
I had to COMMIT to something far bigger than the moment.
It was a COMMITMENT to the future.
To long term happiness.
To a game changing experience.
To leveling up my life by having FAITH that in my commitment that everything would fall into place.
I had to VALUE what was going to expand me.
Bring me joy.
And I had to VALUE MYSELF.
No matter what it is that we purchase,
we have to find value in it.
We have to BELIEVE in what we are gaining from it.
If we do not,
then the price is ALWAYS too much.
So the next time you go searching for something,
the next time you go investigating something,
or think you want something and then “change your mind or heart” on it,
don’t step away from your truth and say that it’s about the price.
Own your TRUTH.
“I don’t VALUE this enough to find a way.”
This statement keeps you in your personal power and owning where you are at and what you desire and value clear.
If you want to be a great manifestor,
if you want to be the BOSS of your life in any fashion,
if you want to have respect,
and be trustworthy,
And As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
It’s time that you start to say YES to the most important person in the room beautiful. It’s time that you accept your worth, and step onto this path that your SOUL is calling you too.
I know how hard the steps may appear.
I know that you are fearful, that you doubt if you have what it takes to make this shiz happen for you or not.
But I promise you that YOU can do it.
You can have it.The first step though is to recognize that you must let go and have faith in your process of getting there.
Listen to your SOUL and follow it’s lead.
Imagine having a coach who has been on a similar path guide you, help you discover the deeper meanings of what soul is wanting you to know.
What would it feel like to have that sort of support and guidance?
You can have this.
Message me for deet’s on 1:1 Private mentoring and coaching today.