IMG_2180Monday Jan. 12th – 2015 was My Due Date!

Many of my clients and people who come to my workshops are aware that I am pregnant. Many know that to me the birthing process is an orgasmic experience and why I have chosen to make it as natural as I possibly can. Like my last pregnancy I will be blessed to be delivering in a small birthing center with a midwife, my partner and many of my children present. I will be able to labor the way my body and nature has intended and I will finish my process in a pool of warm waters. Instead of a white room, bright lights, feet in stirrups, nurses running to and fro and harsh energy, little Rowan (yes we are having a boy!) will be born into loving warm energies and within 3 hours after having him I will be home and resting instead of having to deal with constant interruptions from a nurse to check my bleeding, BP and other items. A day later the birthing center will do a house call and do all the follow up needed.

Needless to say this approach to the birth is an old one and is one that does not make use of traditional medicine and pain killers.

I hear from many people:
“OMG, no way I could do ALL natural. I have to have the med.s’, Give me the good stuff!”
“What if something goes wrong?”
“How can you handle that sort of pain?”

And so much more.

The fact is this.

I have experienced traditional birthing methods. I was induced, and had pain killers. I stayed all night and then some in a hospital. I did the normal muck up. And you know what I thought?

Labor and child birth are painful!

Now, here I am with my 7th child soon to enter this world. My second all natural birth. And you know what my last labor taught me?


Birth is all about:
* Sexuality
* Connection to Self
* Connection to my Partner
* Body Presence
* Power
* Orgasm! – Orgasmic Wombman- hood

Similar to our love making and ability to open to love, intimacy, orgasm and pleasure. Labor and birth show how we choose to show up in our own lives.

What I was doing in previous experiences was choosing to disconnect and buy into the propaganda that life was pain. That labor and birth were terrifying and something we should try to mask with a drug. That our bodies are NOT designed to enjoy the process but to suffer.

WOW was I ever wrong!

Now, I will say that there are moments that are so intense that it you may feel like you will leave your own body. There are what many would say are painful moments. Intense moments. High pressure moments.

But all of these can happen in our sexing as well.
They should happen in our sexing.

It is in the intensity, the heat, the pressure and sometimes even what may scare us or feel uncomfortable that we learn to open fully and embrace what is on the other side. We choose ORGASM! We choose LIFE! We choose PLEASURE and POWER.

Or we say NO! and we shut down, close off and deny our power.


And why would we ever want to NOT choose these things?

Why do we so quickly hand over our rights to experience life in all it’s bliss, even when that bliss comes with some sharp points of climax that may test our courage to push forward and release into deeper sensation, more penetrative love and pleasure?

Yet this is what we do as a society.

We constantly deny ourselves life.
We say no to our power and we actually believe that by remaining small and powerless we are doing some humanly “good” thing.
We tell ourselves that we “should not” experience pain in the way that we do.
We tell ourselves that our emotions are not good or real.
We tell ourselves to not buy into our dreams.
We convince ourselves that pleasure is a sin even and that our bodies are to be denied.

Rarely do we say yes without guilt, shame or embarrassment.

Even more rarely do we learn how powerful our YES is and how our ORGASM effects our lives, right down to the people we associate with, the chaos or peace we bring in, our health and our financial state of being.

What if there were a way for you to learn how to orgasm through life even in the sharp points, the ones that make your breathe deep, make your heart clench, make your eye’s weep?

What if you understood how the sabotaging beliefs and patterns that you hold toward your sex are the same ones you hold toward your money?

What if you understood that the thoughts you hold during sex and who you are sexing with as well as how you show up in bed STRONGLY effect all areas of your life?

What if I shared with you that life is suppose to be an ORGASM!

So stop F–king around with the mechanics you think you should know and the shame for wanting more and go deeper with your sexing.

Make 2015 the YEAR that you say YES to an ORGASMIC LIFE!

Classes on The Link Between Sex & Money : How Our Beliefs of one effect the other.


IMG_2258Thank You Photoraphy In Wonderland for these amazing Maternity Photoshoots! If any one s interested in doing a shoot with this creative artist you may contact her at