How do you do it, I get asked all the time.
People are always inquiring how can I juggle or balance being a mom of 7, running my own business, taking care of my dementia mom, doing the community events that I do, creating workshops/courses, writing and vlogging daily and still have time for anything else?
TLC Moments
The truth is I have ton’s of time for all of it.
I get to have all of this because I have decided to claim my life.
Claim my bliss.
My Joy.


I get to have all of this and people pay me with a smile on their face and excitement in their hearts because I show them how I do this daily.
I feed their souls.
By feeding my soul.
Yes. That is all I do to have all of this and keep on having it BIGGER and more of it.
I just simply do me.
I make no excuses as to who I am and what my desires are.
I make no excuses as my VERY human moments where f-ck up.
I allow myself to be seen, Just as is, all the f-cking time.
So how do I do it all?
How do I have the time, the finances, the energy?
How do I call it in?
#1 – Gratitude is the foundation of ALL that I do.
I am always offering up a prayer of gratitude to God. Even when shit seem’s to be hitting the fan, I am thanking God for it. I know that it only appears as shit because of my perspective and if I were able to see my life through heavens eye’s that it would appear much different and these challenges that our life presents to us are here with purpose. So I thank God even for the pain, the struggle, the heartache. By doing this I experience fewer down points and I consciously keep myself focused on the light at the end of any tunnel.
Gratitude creates a certainty that God always has your back.
#2 – Worthiness is KEY to success.
I am not any different than you when it comes to worthiness issues. I struggle in every moment around my worthiness. My up bringing showed me that I was most likely not worthy, society reinforced it. My actions in my youth right up to my actions of yesterday even support my lack of worthiness consistently. The ONLY difference is that I recognize all of that as ego bullshit. I have done my inner work and I continue to do my inner work DAILY to overcome and show myself that I am WORTHY. I claim my worthiness just like I claim my life. DAILY.
#3 – I Get Turned On.
I allow myself to get turned on, matter a fact I look for opportunities to get turned on. If nothing is presenting itself, I create it. I ask for it. I look for it. My turn on is about all of life NOT just sex. I look for ways to experience ORGASM in life and when I find that warming tingle that ignites me, I dance with it. I play with it. I eat it up and I open myself to God to be f-cked wide open. I welcome the penetration through my surrender and joy.
#4 – I spread my body in surrender daily so that God can worship me and I God.
There is not a day that goes by that I don’t open myself up to God so that the universe can flow through me. I write my opening in my daily journaling, I ask for the universe to carry me and I look for the opportunities that present themselves to me to achieve this. I understand the power that resides between my legs. Yes I understand the power of my sex and even in times when I want to close and shut down, I CHOOSE to open. I CHOOSE to receive orgasm. If only a small taste, I accept it and open consciously to more. I do this by putting my SEX as a priority. I allow God to worship me this way through my surrender to orgasm. The deeper I surrender, the deeper God penetrates me and the more extreme the worshiping which allows me a deeper worship with God as well. Worship in this form manifests my desires speedily because I am NOT trying to control it, I am just opening to it with a clear intent.
#5- Unapologetic Authenticity.
This one “should” be number one perhaps, as it is just as important as gratitude. Knowing yourself is not enough. Pretending to know yourself is far from tapping into greatness.
Being a follower will NEVER achieve the results you want.
Making excuses as to why you did this or that or are one way or another will never grant you any miracle or beauty. The ONLY way you get what you want is to unapolgetically be YOU!!!!! This means NO FOLLOWING. You can look for leadership, but you still must DO YOU 100%. Listening to society, friends, church, parents, spouse or other will only create a false you. It will only mask who you really are and encourage you to remain in the state you currently are. I learned a long time ago that BEING ME was the only way to my HAPPINESS. It has been a long journey and it is one that I walk with myself DAILY. I meet myself in every moment, with every person I come in touch with. I embrace all my aspects and have learned that the more I just let go of what I think everyone wants of me, the more everyone loves me and the happier I am. The better my message is, the deeper I can go and the greater light I can share.

SO how do I do it all?

How can a mom of 7 children ROCK her shit, take no excuses and live the F-CK YES! Life?
How can I go from $17k a year, bankruptcy, foreclosure and depression to a multi-six figure business, travel, ton’s of play, doing what I love and loving what I do.
Having a life that everything is just about me being me and living and getting paid F-cking Fantastic for it?
I just do the above.
I just follow my heart.
I let my soul lead.
I listen to my pussy you could say, if it turns me on, I do it.
If it turns me off, I don’t do it.
I have CERTAINTY that God has my back.
I count my blessings and I openly brag about them.
I keep my focus on my JOY.
That is what I do.
I DO ME DAILY Unapologetically.
What are you doing?

And as always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

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