Your worthiness.
Yes that thing that you may think you are lacking in or don’t even have any of.

But the reality love is that you were born with a massive amount of it.
So much so that it’s not in question,
not even a smidgen in question.
Not by God love.


And that is what is holding you back.
It’s your lack of belief in your worthiness.
You for some reason think that your worthiness is up for debate,
that you have to earn it somehow.
That if you run around like a chicken with its head cut off that you will get more of it.
That if you live for everyone else,
and put yourself behind them all that THEN ,
then you will be a step closer to earning a little worthiness.
But even then,
even after you have buried yourself in commitments and exhausted yourself in the keeping of everyone else’s expectations and idea’s of you and for them,
YOU STILL FEEL without it.

I get it love.
I truly do.
It’s a daily battle you could say,
to wake the f-ck up and KNOW YOU ARE WORTHY without question.

But if you want all that you want.
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
If you are READY to BE READY.
Then it time that you accept that you were born WORTHY AF!!!

Don’t you get it love?
God moves through you and I.
God creates with your hands.
Unfolds the evolution of this planet and its people through you and I.

This world moves forward because of what we manifest into existence.
And we can only create what we do with the guidance of SOUL.
And soul is the voice of God in us.

Together we create all that is and all that ever will be.
But is a joint work.
And because of this very factor and the nature of you and I being co-creators with God,
makes us worthy of all of our desires.

The desires that you want to manifest into existence were put there by the creator.
It is your hands,
your attention,
your focus,
your voice and eye’s,
that make it happen though.

It is through you that God has concentrated focus.
It is by your viewing of the world,
your world,
and you feeling of life,
and how it unfolds,
that desire is birthed.
And opportunity is seen.
As you move through this existence,
and you feel the ebbs and flows of all that can be created,
you gain a hunger for something beautiful to unfold.
You crave more.
You smile and you cry.
You get frustrated and you excited.
These are the emotions of creation,
because they birth desire.
And in the desire becoming aware in YOU,
God see’s it,
and evolution happens.

You will never reach a point in your life where you desire for no more.
You will always want to create MORE.
This is the desire of God,

The greatest artist.
Working with you,
through you,
to paint a breath taking picture,


And because you are breathing love.
You need not ever question your worthiness.

Because you are hungry,
you need not ever question your potential.

Because you are feeling pushed and pulled,
you need not ever question your footing.

God is there love.
You just need to surrender to the path that is before you.
It is yours.

And in your stepping forward,
God will paint the path.

God does not make unworthy things.
And God does not work hand in hand or through unworthy things.

God is working through you,

So stop questioning so much.
Allow your blessings to flow.


And As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living – YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Want some extra support in co-creating your masterpiece?
That where God moves through me,
helping people like you who get that they are worthy AF and want to be conscious co-creators with God in the painting of a beautiful life but are still uncertain as to how to fully tap in and surrender that that they feel at their core.

Yes here is where I assist YOU.
Want to connect and say YES to YOU?
Let’s go! – You are worthy.
Message me for deet’s.