Oh girl you look out into your life and you just feel no sizzle.
You just feel little excitement.
You think to yourself,
As you look around and you see all this good shit happening but it just seems sorta boring.
You know what I mean.
The more comfortable you seem to get the more average and ordinary tends to seep into your daily life and practices.
And the more average your life is,
the more it looses its luster.
But that’s what you have wanted for so long…

NOT the average.
NOT the ordinary.
F-ck NO!!!!!

But you want the comfort.
The stability.

And now you have it.
So now what?

There is not a whole lot happening is there?
There is just your daily tasks.
That thousand long list of things to get done.
The bills to pay,
and they are on auto pilot so no real interaction there.
They just seem to happen.
Your kids come and go from school.
There is the grocery shopping.
The sports events.
The gym.

Oh yeah, there is this guy or that guy.
You know the one’s that hold your attention for a second.
Or even longer.
They are great…
They are sweet and all wrapped up in you.
But seriously…

You are bored!

And it is showing up in how you react to experiences.
It is revealing itself in how you choose to show up each day of your life.
It is making itself know in your lack of orgasmic sex,
your lack of depth and surface level blah blah in intimacy…

HaHa… Intimacy.

What is that these days?
It is nothing.
Because you are bored with the level of life that you have been allowing yourself to play at.

You are lusterless.
You are not shining.
You are dull.
And YOU my beautiful are the ONLY mother f-cker that can do anything about it.

It’s high f-cking time that you STOP accepting so little from yourself.
You know you have so much more inside of you.
You know that your voice was meant to be heard.
That your words were meant to touch millions.
You know that you get things at a different level than most.
And this is your effing SUPER POWER.

Yet you keep choosing to play is safe.
To focus on stability.
To be comfortable.
And that is leaving you with this bland taste in your mouth.
It is leaving you wanting for more.
And what once seemed like so much to desire,
now is nothing.
And you are almost ready to shake the boat and if you have to,
tip the mother f-cking thing over so that you can clean yourself off from all of the shit that you have been feeding yourself and crap that you have been living.

Because you were born for so much more.
And many say that they are,
but few actually believe it to a level to do something with it.
To actually make a mother f-cking decision to and CLAIM IT.

And this has somehow become you.
But it hurts.
It is agonizing at a deep soul level.
As it should be.

You know too much.
You understand too much.
You have see the magic that life has to offer.

Turning your back on your power and on your core,
stepping out of your SOULS light is what is causing all this muckiness in your energy.

So just stop it already!

Yes you are bored.
Yes you are bored with yourself.
Yes you are too comfortable.
Even in the bad shit, you are comfortable.
Yes ALLOWING who you really are to be seen is scary.
Yes you want it and you doubt.

And if you know then all you need do is SAY F-CK YES!!!!! To YOU.

So what is holding you back beautiful?
This comfort of average and ordinary.
This entrapment of what you have.
The fear of loosing what you have so far,
of becoming EVERYTHING you WANT?

I double dog dare ( yes I just said that… because our 4th grade selves had it right about something, DARE…)
you to SHINE.
To fully step into who you are and stop accepting this piss poor version of you.
Because sure it may feel safer to linger here and be real nice and comfortable,
but I promise you this,
it won’t last.
Because what you are not aware of is that reality that in your comfort you are also fearful of loosing it all.
And this fear will out weigh everything else and make itself a reality.

At the end of the day,
you might as well just step the f-ck up and claim what you want,
take the risk to loose it by asking for it all,
then sitting around and spinning on your average and ordinary f-cking thumbs and loosing it anyway,
because honey,
that is what can happen.
And does OFTEN.
We get stable.
We start to play it safe.
Too safe.
And we get comfortable.
We settle.
And we start to take it all for granted.
Then we fear loosing it.
And BAM as if someone cast some magic spell on us or cursed us,
it is all gone.

But you my love have a choice.
You can grab this magic moment and you can step all the f-ck in on your life.
Without hesitation.
You can get CLEAR.

You can set the tone of your day.
Of your mood.
Your week.
And your whole life.
But playing small,
playing safe,
is for those who are pansies.
Who enjoy the average and ordinary,
not YOU!

Your soul wants to take that dare.
It wants to show itself off.
Stand out.
STUNNING like the diamond that it is.
And it wants it all NOW.

Your SOUL does not need faith.
It resides in the greatness of the eternal.
It KNOWS its power.
Its purpose.

Will you follow your SOULS LEAD?
Claim Your Life Today.

And as always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”

Don’t wait another one, two, five, ten years to start THRIVING.
Make 2019 the year of you claiming YOU.
Explore VIP elite coaching today.