Somethings just feels wrong.

Don’t they?
In life we come up on these points in our live’s where we REALLY want something and it is stripped away, right in what seem’s like the most beautiful part of the experience.
You know what I am talking about.
It is the moments that make a significant impact on your heart,
on the course of your life even.
It is the moments that break you down to nothing,
leaving you fully exposed and raw.
It is the moments where you feel lost without hope,
searching for any little crumb of hope to keep you going.
Yes these moments.
These moments that you wonder why.
These moments that tear you apart and make you weep for all that is lost, all that will never be experienced, all the dreams that will never come to pass…
These are game changing moments of the soul.
And on the front side of these moments,
and through the healing process of them,
they feel effing wrong.
They feel as though they should not be happening.
That God got it all wrong on this one.
We find ourselves in these moments questioning our hearts, our intuition, our thoughts, our faith, our everything.
And the only logical answer yet illogical in the same is that
“I must not deserve this thing I have lost.”
“I must have screwed up and did something wrong.”
“I must have not been good enough.”
And so we sit an torture ourselves about how bad a person we are.
We come up with lists of things that we need to change,
promises to ourselves about how we will never allow this or that to happen to us again,
we confirm to ourselves that the only safe thing is to shut down.
And so we shutdown to love.
And it feels all wrong.
The universe is a funny place,
where when these occurrences happen,
we find ourselves haunted by the what if’s, the could have been’s, the dreams and desires that we once had and that still reside inside us deep down.
They haunt us like the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future.
They haunt us and share with us the things that we still desire.
That our heart cries out for.
That is not.
That cannot be in current.
And it feels all wrong.
But what if…
These haunting’s were actually signs from our soul.
Revealing to us that the desires that we had are still there and a possibility,
perhaps not in the fashion we had originally intended,
but that they are there and they are ours to manifest.
These THINGS that our hearts crave,
that our soul has set it’s eye on,
that God has in store for us.
And the reason that they did not happen the way that we had originally planned was because those events, those people, those things were not in alignment to our highest and best life experience.
We had to grow!
Not do something to become worthy.
Not become a better person.
We had to grow into the person that could hold those blessings,
and share of them the way that God intends for each of us to share.
It comes down to the wise statement from Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”
If we had continued to be given the blessings freely as we were living them, then we never would have learned how to handle them properly or gain them in faith and surrender.
We would never have expanded our souls ability to receive the beauty of all that is offered to us in this life.
No one took anything away from us.
This is the truth.
What you may feel you have lost.
Is not gone.
You tasted of its sweetness and now you must go and earn it.
You must go and learn how to fish.
In the learning,
you will expand yourself to capacities you can not currently imagine.
You will grow.
You will once again gain,
your hearts desires.
Your souls cravings.
They are all there waiting for you.
But first you must fish.
The lessons of fishing, will lead you to the life that you desire.
You were born worthy of this life.
You must though build your being strong enough to carry all the blessing that is awaiting you.

And it feels right.

You were born to fish.


As always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

Join me in October for 5 weeks of transformation,
where YOU Claim Your LIFE in 2018 Once and For All.
Message me for details….