WHEN SOMEONE WANTS YOU TO BE SOMETHING THEY REFUSE TO SEE WHO YOU ARE... Over and over again I am reminded of just how blind we humans can be in our
WHEN SOMEONE WANTS YOU TO BE SOMETHING THEY REFUSE TO SEE WHO YOU ARE... Over and over again I am reminded of just how blind we humans can be in our
Laughter is like a windshield wiper, it doesn't stop the rain but it allows us to go on. In times like these it is vitally important to the well-being of your
Seriously WTF! Here I sit working with clients today, the day after a yummy relaxing Christmas, where I find myself in total gratitude. I sit here doing some marketing, following up with my
YOU WORK FOR YOURSELF SO YOU HAVE ALL THE TIME THAT YOU NEED. And other statements that show that you have no comprehension of life or the power of manifesting. My entire
You ebb and you flow. You wake up feeling effing amazing one day and then as if some sort of curse that you have no control of, something happens. Something takes over. And you
That is IT! I am DONE!!!!! Done you hear me. I cannot stomach it any longer. Just the fact that you think that way and have the nerve to state it openly on
Success happens with in the small things. The small things is what makes all the difference, because the small things are actually BIG mother f-cking things. Have you noticed this? I sure have luv. I
Epiphany Time. Yep, here it is folks. Here is what no one want's to tell you but you must know if you are going to have the life that you want.
If that truly impacts your life then I sure the f-ck don't want that sorta life! Sometimes people just send me over my edge. You know what I mean? They b*tch, mone