








What a lovely trip to Boca Raton Florida I had this last week. It is trips like this one that just make my heart smile. Having the privilege to work with a dynamic couple, enjoy connection, conversation, good food and being able to share powerful teachings with such high consciousness souls… THIS, this is a F*CK YES!

People ask me all the time what I do for work…
You know here is the truth.


I get to share.
I get to just be me and share the knowledge and gifts that I have been given and learned how to tap into through the last 20+ years of my life.
And I get to do this with people I truly adore.

Many days, I feel like I am playing.
Many days I feel like if someone actually “caught” me in my work they would wonder what the hell I am doing.

Because enjoying life this much and doing the things that one loves DAILY, is not understood in our world.

But is most certainly, the GOAL I believe for many.
And it is our God given right as well.
The freedom and bliss that we can have in doing our true work far passes anything that is just paying the bills and causing our heads to ache and our muscles to constrict from the stress.

No, doing your life’s calling is WHERE IT IS AT BABY!

This is what my week has been about.
Sure it had it’s sexy moments.
It had it’s heart pounding, tear jerking, stomach clenching moments.
But ALL of the moments were PRESENT MOMENTS.
They were captured in love.

And I was HONORED to be the one to do the “work” with these beautiful souls.
Honored to spend another week of my life LIVING my WORK, not just SURVIVING my week.

Can you say the same for your week?

I ask you this not to flaunt anything but to get you to ask a VERY important question about your life and where you are at in it.

Have you considered why you are settling for less than what God’s wish for your life is?

How does this question make you feel in your body when you read it?

Do you even know what greatness God desires for your life?

And how the heck can you figure out what this greatness is and how you can achieve it?

I promise you this…

This greatness is NOT about just existing and paying your bills, fulfilling your duties and being a “good” person.  It is not about waking up Monday morning and dreading your day and week or looking at Friday with a “Oh, Thank Goodness.”  No this is NOT living folks.

If you want to live that F*ck YES! Life, that is freedom based and full of desire and purpose then all you need do is to question your own heart. Truly just tap in and start to feel what resides as your hearts desire.

Many great visionaries, teachers and leaders through the course of time have told us to “follow our hearts, they will not lead us astray” yet we consistently allow our minds logic to rule over our hearts and find ourselves off of our true paths and living a life of duty, stress, and endless fatigue. We walk through our days and weeks like we are zombies and we wonder where passion for anything has gone.

If you are wanting to find your passion, your desire for life and the direction that God wants for you then it is up to no one but YOU.

Ask, Seek, Knock.

These words they stir a lot of fascination, desire and confusion for us humans. What does it mean to ask, seek and knock? Whom are we asking? God? How will he answer? How will we hear? This is the main question of concern because until we learn how to listen we cannot find direction in our lives. We simply are walking through our world blind. To ask and be able to listen, one must prepare themselves for the communication. This simply put means that YOU must make a commitment to find STILLNESS in your life and then eagerly and with expectation look for the answers to come to you.  You MUST remain CONSCIOUS and listen with an active heart which will incorporate your thoughts, feelings, sight, hearing and experiences for the response from the Divine.  If you ask and then go directly into your chaotic thoughts focused on your past experiences and fear based thinking then you will miss your messages and be lost.

How do you feel about spending 15 minutes a day in silence with yourself?

Does this seem like too big of a chore? Or are you hungry to listen to the path that is before you?

If you are hungry then the ONLY work you need ever do is to ASK and then LISTEN. You will be guided with ease and grace to your desired life. You were born for greatness and not for struggle. The reason we struggle is because we argue and try to control with our logical minds a force that is far greater than ourselves.

Stop handcuffing God.

You too can have a freedom based life. You were born to be free and to live a purposeful, desire based life full of blessing. If you fill yourself up with un-needed chaos, fear and worry then you prevent this life from manifesting for you and in turn you curse yourself with AVERAGE and ORDINARY.  You curse yourself through your inability to SAY YES to your hearts desire and to the promise of God.

Ask and it shall be given.

God always say’s yes to us. It is our sabotaging ways that block the blessings from forming in this reality. Our doubt is the true culprit to our suffering.

And you know what will take much of your suffering away?

CERTAINTY in your heart.

CERTAINTY in your purpose.

CERTAINTY in your faith.

CERTAINTY in desire.

And Most CERTAINLY doing your life’s calling is WHERE IT IS AT BABY!

Dig in deep and find yours now.

You deserve to live on PURPOSE and FULFILLED.

This sort of work is pleasure.

What’s Your pleasure?


Watch “What About You?” NOW.