🔥🔥$22,000 at 2:22-AM with 22% on my phone.🔥🔥

Yes manifesting $22k in less than 12 hours is exactly the vibration I f-cking love having.
Don’t you?
Its an AMAZING feeling to wake up in the morning to this and know that this is ONLY the f-cking beginning.
I mean imagine if you believed that there were no limitations to the things that you could call into your life.
Imagine if all you ever had to do was allow abundance to flow to you,
by just keeping yourself in alignment to your soul.
Well that is where it is at baby.
It truly is that simple.
I am not going to lie,
you are not going to generate that sort of income or any income at all just laying on the couch thinking about it,
or feeling into how effing great it “would” be to have it.
No you will not manifest anything that way.
In order to get results of this kind or better,
then one HAS to not just allow abundance to flow to them,
but also, do the God damn f-cking work to have the doorways open for the abundance to flow.
I mean it would be crazy to think that you can call in any sort of blessing if you are closed down to the pathway of the blessing.
Just think about it…
Imagine you are wanting your ideal lover to come into your life,
yet you do not go on any dates,
you hardly leave your home,
you have no real social life,
or much of anything.
How the f-ck are you to CALL IN a lover?
Maybe if this is the sort of person that you are,
you are hoping that your mail man will deliver this lover to you,
or you will just get lucky and somehow they will end up lost on your doorstep…
OMFG! It’s Mr. or Mrs. Perfect.
Here on my door step.
Ready to be part of the rest of my life.
Okay so that is ridiculous, right?
I mean no one actually thinks this can happen,
well I guess there is a possibility,
but let’s be real.
The odds are not in your favor no matter how much luck you have on your side.
So why the f-ck do you think that you can have a land fall of abundance or anything you desire come to you without the mother f-cking work.
That work is multi-folded too.
It is not JUST about actual work.
You know that building or going and doing something.
No it is not about that.
In truth that work most likely only equates out to maybe 15% of the actual work.
I know it is that way for me.
And for my mentors and other people who are living a freedom based life where they are just calling in their desires.
But when we do, do that work, we do it hard core.
We give our all.
We focus like there is no tomorrow.
And you know what?
One of the secrets to the work here,
is that it does not feel like work.
It just is.
It is part of who we are.
We cannot help but do the work.
Because it just is us.
It is what we would do whether we were paid or not.
It is the music in our being that has to be set free.
It feels good.
Good to do the work.
It is actually impossible to not do the work.
This is how you know that you have found your path….
Your calling.
But then there is the other 85% of the REAL WORK.
Now there is where you will meet resistance.
This is the land of resistance.
This is the internal, mindset work.
This is the work that your ego will have you believe is not the work and that you are not in need of.
It is where your doubt,
your fear,
your discomfort of whatever is not your norm,
holds you back from all of your mother f-cking dreams.
It is the internal work that is actually a game with your
You must first recognize what you are accepting as your norm in your life so that you can change it to what you want it to be.
Then you must have the strength,
the desire,
and the courage,
to HOLD to that CHANGE.
Because the old norm that had you living the life you were unsatisfied with,
will call to you.
It will tell you that you are not deserving,
you are not worthy,
that you cannot repeat the greatness.
That you will loose it all just like blah…blah….blah.
It will tempt you to become lazy,
and it will remind you of how comfortable good feels.
because yeah you may be calling in all this GREATNESS,
F-ck NO!!!!
Abundance in the masses that your soul effing wants,
the revealing of who you really are,
and letting that light shine brighter than any lighthouse could try for,
No it is f-cking hard as hell.
But you know what?
You just have to love yourself enough to CLAIM IT.
Claim your life.
Claim your bliss.
Claim your abundance.
Take that step onto your path.

You got this baby!!!


And as always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

Join me in October for 5 weeks of transformation,
where YOU Claim Your LIFE in 2018 Once and For All.
Message me for details….