To live with a child like soul. 
What does that statement mean to you?

To me….
It means to allow the silly in.
To not be fearful of play.
To embrace your day with enthusiasm and joy.
To get loud.
And passionate.
Let yourself be seen.

And most importantly to JUST BE YOU.
You know when a child starts to grow up and loose their life? Its when they get serious about who they are to be instead of who their soul proclaims,
When they start to worry about grades more than happiness and connection,
When they question not what makes them smile but how they are perceived,
When they avoid getting dirty instead jumping in the puddles.

This is when a child starts their transformation into the land of zombie adulthood.

I don’t believe this has to be true.
Back in the day….
Like when I was 25 and taking life so serious.
As a mom of 3 youngster’s back then,
I thought that being a good mom meant that I could not be me.
I thought i had to act,
Etc. Etc.

A certain way.
Because the true me was not good enough.
Wise enough.
Stable enough.
Or anything else.

I thought I had to be more.
Someone I was not.
And I drove myself batty trying to achieve this version of someone that was not real.
A d so far from my soul.

But I looked like I had it all together.

Fast forward 18 years…
Now a 43 year old mom of 7 babies.
Soon to be grandmom or mimi as I am goin’ with,
And I am still serious.

Serious about BEING ME!
And that means there is no version of me,
Other than just who I am in any moment.
How I choose to show up in my life,
To live,
To raise my children,
Has NOTHING to do with anyone elses opinions or ideas.
It has everything to do,

And what feels good?
To live outloud.
Turned On.
And I now laugh.
At everything.
Especially me.
And my kids.
Like this little munchkin in this video.

Its so effing powerful to tap into that inner child.
That inner child dreams.
Believes in magic.
Loves life.
And themselves.
And is fearless being themselves.

All the things needed to be a bada*s in life and THRIVE.

So tell me love…
Share in the comments here.
What makes you giggle?

As always, 
Stop Existing & Start Living
Coaching for Grown A*s Believers.

Let’s talk about accessing your SOUL.
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