You gotta love Facebook memories.
Don’t you?
I mean they make us laugh,
Make us smile,
Make us feel our hearts tug,
Bring up sadness,
And appreciation.
Facebook memories….
This last weekend I have been off camping in a tipi out in Hawkins Texas. Its been a lovely experience with my youngest two children and boyfriend.
The pictures that are capturing all these fantastic and fun memories are something to be grateful for.
And if you are a scrapbooker like myself,
(Well in truth I have not scrapbooked for a decade, but I take pictures with the concept and image of one day getting them scrapbooked)
Then you can for sure appreciate the memories being stored for later creative projects.
And then there are those darn Facebook memories…
One year ago today….you were at this Jimmy Buffet Concert.
Four years ago today…. you were strolling down the beach in Jamaica with your ex.
And you were hiking Dunns Falls and eating lunch at Margaritavil.
Seven years ago today…. you were enjoying a romantic dinner and sexy time with another ex that you thought the relationship would last a lifetime with for how in love you were.
Eleven years ago…. your children were calling you a hippie mama and you were proud of the title.
Lol… just some memories from my life on today.
But you know what I noticed?
As I looked through all the pictures….
The authentic smiles and connection.
The joy and laughter.
The love.
Although fleeting,
And ever changing,
It was there and it is here today as well.
And for this I am grateful 🙏.
The people in our storyline tend to change,
As humans can be quiet fickle and our egos and hearts tend to whisk us all about.
But when you choose to focus on what matters most,
The love and connection.
The beautiful memories and moments shared,
Then the players in our stories are always perfect.
They are there for a reason in that season of our lives.
And when we can embrace that truth,
It makes our lives so much more fluid and enjoyable.
As I looked back on the memories of today over the last decade,
I felt a host of emotions.
I felt my heart expand and sink.
I looked into the eyes of these now strangers,
And asked silently,
What happened here?
I also saw clearly that it was not all bad,
It was not all fake,
It was not time, energy, love, LIFE wasted.
Not at all.
It was time shared in love.
And this is my message to you today,
See the beauty of your past and the players in it.
See the love and the life we’ll spent.
Because when you do this…
You capture more of this.
You allow more good times.
You make yourself more available to living in love.
To receiving joy, connection and love.
And doesn’t that sound better then looking at those years gone by from a feeling of bitterness, anger and loss?
I mean think about what you desire.
Look at what you want for.
Are you living in the energy of it now?
Can you feel it present in your past?
Do you know how to manifest it into your tomorrow?
By seeing and feeling it ALIVE in you now.
And looking for the evidence of it in your memories and in the makings of today.
Be in gratitude for your memories.
For your storylines and for those who danced the dance with you.
It is perfect just the way it is.
As are you.
As always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers ”
Message me for deets on how to get the most out of your forever and live a F-ck Yes Life now.