Caught up in your phone.
Caught up with that small screen of yours.
It is so important isn’t it?
It holds your life.
Checking your bank account.
Checking your emails.
Personal and business.
It comes to this one small little world capturing device.
What’s happening on Facebook?
On Instagram?
Snap chat?
Whats new on Pinterest and what have you pinned today?
This world of ours it is all scrolling by on our wall and here we are missing each other for it.
I know how it is.
I really do.
I am oh so guilty of just this,
loosing myself to the mini screen in my hand.
And what I have noticed is that when I allow this screen to own my day,
my thoughts and time.
I am more anxious, I am more lost, more insecure.
It’s like my personal value and worth is somehow wrapped up in how many likes, loves or shares my messages gain.
I am curious as to what those I follow and learn from are doing, experiencing and enjoying.
I might be guilty even of comparing at times.
And here we go baby,
its the social media platform life.
It’s the modern world.
And its like never escaping high school on some days.
With all the communication,
all the personal shares and picture posting.
All the debates and livestreams,
you would think that we would grow to be a world society that loves deeper and greater and has better social skills because we have at our finger tips the world that so many of us will never actually be able to go explore to any level.
But what has actually occurred is a separation.
We have forgotten our humanness for all the distance between our screens.
We now think that it is okay to take the easy route and to be rude, hurtful, deceitful and immature.
We have forgotten that our actions, our words, and how we choose to show up impacts those around us,
and now more so than ever before those around us is a mass.
It is the WORLD beautiful that see’s you.
No matter how small a circle you have here in social media land,
your words have a bigger impact then they would have 50 years ago or even a decade.
Because we like, love, angry face and share.
We spread our infections to so many more then we use too.
It use to be just a small village that would hold space or burn us at the stake,
but today…
today the village is the WORLD.
Today it is even more important then ever before to sharpen up on your social skills.
Today it is even more vital to your business,
your personal life,
and the lives of those that you live and share your inner world with,
it is more important today to make sure as f-ck that YOU are being authentic and REAL.
That you are choosing to stand in your truth.
That you are confident in who you are and what you believe,
and that you are walking the path that your CORE,
your SOUL desires.
Because as this world has grown ever so disconnected.
The tribes that we build will only have loyalty beautiful,
if they can feel who you are.
And if you are weak in who you are,
you will get lost in today’s social media world,
washed up and lost beautiful.
And what will come of you,
will be suffering.
You will start to believe that what the WORLD thinks,
what the WORLD says of you is true.
And you will no more be your beautiful self.
So today commit to being YOU.
Authentically YOU in this crazy online world of ours.
Today commit to get up to speed on some old school social skills,
like being kind,
being respectful,
being YOU.
Stop with the manipulation, the lies and rude ways that you feel oh so safe in acting on because this small screen of yours is your shield.
Time to STEP UP and be Authentically YOU beautiful.
BE YOU and let your SOUL be felt.
Not your fear ego and jealousy.
This new world of ours will either make or break you.
Now like or love this musing beautiful and make me smile. 😁
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
Let’s get you to your desired F-ck YES! NOW.
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