You are not being real with yourself.
Seriously you are not.
You may have some ego pop up in you from reading these words, you may want to argue it and fight it and point to all the ways that you are authentic and truthful, but in reality you are not showing up as your radiant authentic self.
How can I make this bold statement?
Because none of us are.
We are all hiding from aspects of ourselves, we are all in denial of our truth.
We mask ourselves from these flaws, these nasty little monsters that we keep locked away in the closets of our personality and mind. The shadows of our soul’s light.
Yes none of us are authentically us.
I was having a conversation with a man a few weeks ago and the topic of authenticity came up. He asked me why I colored my hair and why I put extensions in my hair. He told me he thought that I was beautiful just the way God created me and he wondered why I would not just authentically be me the way God intended at my birth.
I attempted to explain to him that I did these things with my hair because I wanted to. It was not for anyone but myself and it was all about how they made me feel.
His response was one based in his care for me and his adoration for who I am and what I share that helps him understand his life and relationships with more clarity and ease. But the energy that it met me with felt like control.
The more I found myself explaining my choices, the more I felt like I was dealing with my father and was somehow in a position of explaining myself and getting his permission. Which is sheer craziness for this particular relationship for sure, however the energy that was there was still the same. And it was met by my frustration of having to explain when I find no need to explain myself.
But here I was EXPLAINING.
I do what I do, for me not anyone else.
It is that simple.
Yet here I was in this conversation. This man’s big brown eyes looking at me like a curious little boy with a desire for me to know that I did not need to do anything in his eyes to be better. I was perfect as I was.
He took my actions of coloring my hair and having extensions as a lack of authenticity.
Asking me, ” How can you advocate authenticity so much but then not be the you that God created? Why do you have to change yourself?”
The reality is that I am being very authentic in my actions of coloring my hair, having fuller, longer hair with my extensions, by decorating my body with the tattoo’s, the perfumes, the makeup or lack of makeup that I choose. I put on the clothes that I feel best in each day, whatever that may be. I do not dress because of some dress code or how I believe I want people to perceive me, I dress how I desire based on my mood in the moment. I make choices for my body and how I choose to show up physically in the world based not on what someone is telling me or how I will be perceived but on who I am in that day.
Some days I feel like a stay at home mom who just wants to stay in her PJ’s and not care about her hair or looks.
Some days I feel like a sultry seductress who wants to wear no panties, a skirt with a slit up to my mid thigh and a revealing top.
Some days I feel like an outdoor adventurer and grab my jeans and a tee shirt and hiking shoes.
Some days I feel like I want to put on my professional hat and be very of the mind and structures so I put on more traditional business clothes.
Then there are the days where I look like a total biker bitch.
The days where I could give Princess Diana (bless her soul) a run for her money on beautiful dresses.
No matter what the day, I guarantee I am showing up as me in the moment.
You may be shaking your head in agreeance right now, or wonder why the eff I am even writing about this.
The message of this brief share is to say that none of us are 100% authentic.
All we can ever do is try and show up as authentic as we can in any given moment.
And our hair, clothes, makeup or anything else that we choose to add to our physical being is not a masking of our truth.
There are plenty of us who use these things to hide from ourselves or choose what we do with our physical beings based on what society, work, family say we should do, but when you get right down to it. If you feel deep into yourself, you will see that the way you choose to express yourself is yours and only yours.
The more in alignment you are to who you truly are,
the less likely you are to make decisions based on anyone other than yourself.
There is never a need to explain who you are or why you are choosing what you are choosing.
You do you.
The ONLY thing you ever need to realize is that the expression of you that you let be seen needs to come from your soul, not your fear of others.
True authenticity is about your heart and soul.
It is about alignment and revealing just this.
The most outwardly made up person, with plastic surgery, pounds of makeup, expensive clothes, the most expensive car and a fancy resume can be one of the most authentic people you will ever know if they are expressing their soul’s creativity for the growth and connection to their soul.
Or they can be one of the most masked people you will ever meet if they are only trying to look a certain way and be a certain way because they don’t believe they are enough or that this is the only way they will ever get love or connection.
Either can be true.
I CHOOSE honoring my soul’s creative flow in life.
I CHOOSE showing up without apology for who I am every day.
I CHOOSE self love, which means doing what feel’s good for me.
Authentically loving myself and doing what turns me on.
Can you say the same?
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
PS – Today is the launch of my newest online workshop.
It is 10 days of asskickery for anyone who wants to leap into their desired life.
Stop F*cking Around launches today and Live training kicks in on July 18th, 2018.
You will not want to miss this event.
Here are some of the thing s that people are saying who have sampled the workshop so far.
” Wow, it is like magic. I accessed the pre-work and instantly felt the changes in my thinking. So powerful.”
“I love your style, you teach and share with such ease, it’s like working with your best friend. I feel like you just get me and where I am at.”
“You make it so easy to just embrace life. I have followed you for years and having this opportunity to work with you is so exciting.”
Stop F*cking Around – 10 days of Alignment Asskickery!
Grab your spot TODAY and get started on creating that F-ck YES! Life Now.
STOP saying you want it, but NEVER take any solid action to GETTING IT.
STOP bouncing around with ton’s of great ideas, but no clarity as to what you really desire.
STOP making excuses, instead CLAIM your AWESOMNESS.
Do you have a calling that is screaming at you?
Do you crave an authentic, blissed out life?
Do you have ton’s of creative energy but no clue what to do with them?
Do you feel like you have tried all these things but are still just standing at the side lines of your life?
Well ….
The answer is simple.
Stop F*cking Around!
Start living your Truth.
Start Calling in your blessings.
You deserve it.