Are you scared of the permancy?
I know that I sure am in area’s of my life.
Let’s look at this topic of permancy.
You may be most familiar with it in the area’s of death and marriage.
Both seem so certain not to change.
One we enter into with the hope that it is a guarantee,
a commitment.
The other we fear happening because we “know” it is a guarantee.
And both feel like an ending point to most.
But many also feel like both or at least one is also a gateway to something new.
In truth,
both are gateways to something new.
A new existance.
Something that we cannot understand,
that we are uncertain about.
Both require faith.
Both require us to let go of our ego’s and to lean into the unknown.
And another reality is that we have permancy happening all around us,
all the time.
We also have this thing called death all around us, all the time.
We have many little deaths occure throughout our life times,
and they are requirements in order for us to expand and grow.
In order for us to become authentically US,
and stand in our power,
we MUST expereince lot’s of little deaths throughout our lifetime.
Your power is birthed in the running toward these deaths and the acceptance of them.
Instead of fearing the transition points of our life,
open yourself to them.
Allow yourself to get caught up in the current of them and enjoy the process of them.
Though some may be painful,
realize that the pain and the suffering that you are expereincing is not of the soul or even the heart.
It is of the ego and the constraights based in a concept of fear and control that is causing you the pain and suffering.
The SOUL knows your path.
The SOUL knows your truth.
The SOUL has no doubt.
The SOUL is not in pain.
But when we expereince pain and suffering,
when we fear the unknown,
when we fear the transition points and get caught up on the idea of permancy and it being some end point,
we are buying into the mirages of our ego.
This life you are living is far more than blood pumping through your veins,
or your lungs taking in oxygene,
or the thoughts that you say your brain or mind create.
It is far more than these limbs that you use,
or this body that you expereince.
This life,
is God moving through you.
And the permancy of this life is just that.
and more BIRTHING.
This process is of you brithing yourself,
you experiencing YOU,
experiencing your divine being at multiple levels of awakening.
And with each awakening you must let go of the old paradigm’s of self and understanding and you must allow for what you once percieved as YOU,
to become a carcass to be disposed of.
What you perceive as YOU,
is not really YOU.
So much more.
And when you lean into this awareness of how bountiful and big you really are,
the fear of death is no more.
Instead you see it for it’s truth.
It is a birthing of your SOUL.
We expereince death in our relationships,
in our ways of being, relating, thinking, judging.
We expereince death of our goals, dreams, desires and beliefs.
We expereince death in actual physical states with loved ones and self.
And often we get caught up on these deaths.
We linger in the morning of them.
We weap and agonize ourselves about what has been lost.
We get trapped in our remorse,
in not speaking what we had wanted,
in not getting closure like we wanted.
We torment ourselves with death and its permancy of things not being the same any more.
We desiree to control what is not for us to control,
but instead for us to breathe into and feel life in.
This corridor of death,
is just that,
a transtioning space.
A door.
A gate.
Each transition point brings with it an exposure to newness,
to deeper understanding and expansion.
If we choose to view death as though it is birth,
the sadness is limited and potentially no more.
Not saying that one will not expereince morning,
as anytime we go through transition,
we mourn.
Mourning is natural and healthy.
But know that if you find yourself getting caught in the mourning,
that this is not of SOUL.
It is your ego at work.
Holding you in an old paradigm,
an old frequency,
and not allowing you to metamorphosis.
This is where the work then lyes.
To go deep into self and discover where you can unhinge your cages of the old and set yourself free.
You cannot avoid death.
You cannot avoid all the mini deaths within this human expereince that you will have,
they are hear to set you free and bring you closer to your soul aligned path.
But what you can do,
is stop allowing yourelf to just fade through this life.
You can realize that life is a choice.
Just because you are breathing,
with blood pumping through your veins and thoughts bouncing through your mind,
Living is a choice and with that living comes the movement and gateways of death.
And remember,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
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