And it feels like you are wanting it.
It feels like you are operating from your core.
It feels like you should just be living that life that you feel so called to live,
and yet you are not.
How can it be so?
Why is it that you just keep tackling problem after problem and not seeming to make way to what you really want for your life?
It’s because you are not ready beautiful.
You simply are not yet ready.
But you could be ready,
if you really wanted to that is.
The only challenge with being ready is YOU.
Yeah YOU are your challenge.
You have to….
1. Make a effing decision to be ready.
2. Stop stopping yourself from being ready with all your petty little reasons and fears.
3. Stop thinking you will have the germination time that you have deemed for yourself.
4. Allow yourself to receive the opportunities that will lead you to what you want.
This all means that you need to start listening beautiful.
But to whom?
Well sure as f-ck not to everyone who has not walked in yours shoes.
And not those who are less successful than yourself.
And not to your fear.
Or your doubts or any of those negative thoughts that you are thinking.
Don’t listen to that shiz!
Do Listen to YOUR SOUL.
If you have not a clue or maybe just a faint clue as to what I am speaking of when I say SOUL…
It’s that quiet little voice.
It’s that nagging at your core.
It’s that desire,
that hunger that will not leave you.
It’s that knowing that points out the opportunities, the synchronicity and coincidences.
It’s the reactions that your body and emotions are trying to make you more aware of.
This is SOUL.
Your SOUL.
And if you want to have that THING,
That thing that you have been wanting for so long.
That lifestyle that your heart craves for yourself,
for your children,
your family,
your people.
Well that THING, wants you to pay attention to what will lead you to it.
Your SOUL.
It’s the path of least resistance beautiful.
Its the path that will feed you,
fulfill you, and bring you joy.
But you have to WANT IT.
And in your wanting of it you will be asked to focus on it.
You be required to do the inner mindset and emotional harmonizing work that you need to do.
You be required to make yourself available for what you are wanting.
And if you are not doing this,
then you will not have it until you do these things.
Until you are ready.
No matter how much you b*tch, moan and complain,
no matter how much suffering you choose to go through,
you will not get access to your dreamed life UNTIL you are READY.
And to be ready, you must show up.
You must open up.
You must be available and take advantage of the opportunities that show themselves to you and ask for your commitment.
Because if your SOUL tells you to take on that commitment,
that opportunity,
then that is YOUR SOUL guiding you to your highest and best.
That is your soul leading you on your path to your truth.
To your best life.
The question only comes down to the question of,
Or will you continue to ignore?
You know what ignoring or half a*s listening has gotten you so far….
Why not try something new?
As always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
It’s time that you start to say YES to the most important person in the room beautiful. It’s time that you accept your worth, and step onto this path that your SOUL is calling you too.
I know how hard the steps may appear.
I know that you are fearful, that you doubt if you have what it takes to make this shiz happen for you or not.
But I promise you that YOU can do it.
You can have it.The first step though is to recognize that you must let go and have faith in your process of getting there.
Listen to your SOUL and follow it’s lead.
Imagine having a coach who has been on a similar path guide you, help you discover the deeper meanings of what soul is wanting you to know.
What would it feel like to have that sort of support and guidance?
You can have this.
Message me for deet’s on 1:1 Private mentoring and coaching today.