You are doing it because you think you should.
You are doing it because you feel you have too.
You just keep doing the damn thing that you know at your core is nothing but pain and suffering,
causing you anxiety, holding you in stress and fear because you don’t know what else to do other than to keep doing it in hopes that something,
yes that something will change.
But things just don’t change.
Year after year,
there you are beautiful.
Just doing the thing.
As if life will get better,
all while you are hating on it.
All while you are stressing about it.
Fearful of what will be.
But you keep doing do it, don’t you?
And why?
Because that is what a responsible person does.
That is what society says that you must do.
That is why you went to college,
got that degree,
got this job.
Its so you can do the damn thing.
It has nothing to do with what you want.
It has nothing to do with what you enjoy,
what you feel called to do at your SOUL level.
But it has everything to do with what you “think”
you need to do,
based on what your mommy and daddy told you all those years ago.
What your teachers, pastors and media all said was true.
And now,
now you are living it.
Trying to enjoy that dream life that has nothing to do with your dreams at all.
But everything to do with what makes you hate on your days, your years and your life.
Living for the weekends, the holidays.
Yes you keep doing the damn thing because everyone is doing the damn thing.
And you look around and see that it is just this way.
So it must be so.
But something inside of you is calling you to question all of this.
Something inside of you is just not feeling like this is how God wanted you to live.
You feel different.
You feel unique.
But you feel silly for thinking that you could be something more than what you are.
And yet you do.
You hear that call from deep down with in.
It is calling you to do something more with your life,
it is yelling at you to be true to your SOUL.
It sounds crazy scary,
but you also are bit turned on to the idea that you could have your dreams.
That you can desire more.
That you are unique.
And that God wants more for you too.
It makes sense doesn’t it.
Sense that you were born to stand out.
Sense that you were born to step fully the f-ck into who you are.
Sense that God wants you,
yes YOU to listen to your soul.
And beautiful,
when you look in that mirror each morning,
what feels better to your heart and soul?
To look into those big eye’s of yours and see all that you have been hiding from, all that you have been denying for your life and self?
To see that light,
that power,
that creative spirit.
And see it all flying free.
Being true.
Being powerful.
Making it’s mark on this world of ours.
What does it feel like to say yes to yourself?
What does it feel like to step forward in certainty and faith that God has your back?
Just pause and sit with that for a moment love,
feel the power that runs through your being when you feel into living that sort of faith.
Feel the love that pours through your veins when you just let your heart be seen and felt.
It feel’s good.
Damn good, to be YOU.
Unlike doing that damn thing,
that damn thing that is stealing your life from you.
That has you hiding over there,
uncertain as to what move to make,
fearful of who you are.
Not knowing if you are good enough.
Second guessing your choices,
your life,
your everything.
Realize this though.
YOU can have it all.
You can live authentically in all areas of your life.
You don’t have to keep doing the damn things that are holding you in this suffering.
You, yes you can live that exceptional life.
That life that God see’s is for you,
that life that you are being called to.
Let yourself feel into living that life,
if not but just for this second in time.
Let yourself feel it.
Truly feel it.
And embrace it.
Now KNOW this love,
YOU have the power in this moment to make this your reality.
All you have to do, all you ever had to do was want it.
Want it bad enough to actually CLAIM IT.
Claiming this life that has always been yours,
might sound scary at first,
but I promise you this,
it will become addictive to live this way.
To say yes to yourself.
To live according to your authentic self.
Your SOUL.
You will find yourself living in blessings and wonder if you take this challenge.
But you have to want it.
You cannot do it just because it sounds cool.
Or because john, or Jim, Beth or Mary want you to want it.
No, the only way that you can CLAIM IT is to want it for yourself.
and allow yourself to have it.
Allow yourself to step forward,
and SAY YES.
You will stand out from the masses.
The crowds will look at you in judgment.
You will be questioned.
And many will try to knock you off of your alignment.
But if you stay true,
true to yourself,
then you will live that life of your dreams.
You will have all that your heart and soul have wanted for.
You will know what your purpose is,
and it will be birthed from your breath each day.
There will be no doubt,
that you are unique.
There will be no question that you were born for greatness.
Your life will be proof.
Your happiness contagious.
But, first you must DECIDE.
Which path do you take?
Do you remain on this path with the damn thing that you have been doing for all this time, that consistently gives you what you don’t want but keeps you safe?
Do you dare and step on the path of SOUL and follow the calling from deep within, walk in FAITH and FINALLY say F-ck YES! To YOU?
The choice is yours,
it has always been so.
May you make the choice that makes you happy at your deepest cellular level.
Your are WORTH IT!
As always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
Let’s get you on the path to your greatness.
Let me show you how to call in all the abundance, love, and passionate purpose that your SOUL desires today with 1:1 elite coaching today.