Soul Crusader: A person who know’s they are called to be more and is willing to step into their power and answer the call of their soul.  At all cost!

I am here to support, ignite and cheer YOU on!

Yes You, the Soul Crusader.

You know who you are.

You are the one’s who long to stand out and shine BRIGHT as the star’s in the sky,

You are the one’s who have been told for so long that you are



The one’s who don’t fit the mold your career, your relationship, your desires, passions, thoughts.

The one’s who have always cried for more, but was uncertain as to how to ask for it.

I AM HERE to support, ignite and cheer YOU on!

Yes You, the Soul Crusader.

The one who hears the rustle and agony of your soul.

The one who feel’s the passion and fear.

The one who WANTS it all,

but has no clue as to whom YOU can TRULY be.

Who can feel their beauty, but can not fully see it yet.


The one’s who  crave FULFILLMENT,





Who NEVER fell in love with the idea’s of giving away their hearts and souls to pay the bills and just be responsible, AVERAGE and ORDINARY.

I AM HERE to support, ignite and cheer YOU on!

Yes You, the Soul Crusader.

The one’s who even though they wake in doubt and fear

take the leap into their greatness.

That blind FAITH leap.

Stepping off the cliff of average with a one foot planted in a courage like no other.

A courage springing forward from soul.

From heart.

From God.

Because these are the people of my TRIBE!

These are the people who want to CLAIM their Lives,

Make changes,

Touch the world.

Expand their wings.

and FLY.

This TRIBE, this tribe know’s it is WORTHY at it’s core. Beside the fear, the doubt, the path they cannot yet see, they KNOW that they have GREATNESS inside of them. They know that they, have music that must be played, words that must be written, talks that must be given, teaching that must be shared, love that must be offered and hearts that must sore!!!!

These are the SOUL CRUSADERS.

I AM here for the one’s who want to be F*cked Wide Open by life and fully expressed in this life time.

I AM here for YOU.

Stop Existing & Start Living!

Join Kendal TODAY for a F*ck Yes Life experience. Limited time access to 1:1 coaching and online coaching programs to help you master your FREEDOM based life NOW.