Trust, Faith and Soul Alignment
Tears are on the cusp of escaping my eye's today. I feel this heaviness on my chest, my heart feels constricted and tight, like it is being held in a metal clasp
Tears are on the cusp of escaping my eye's today. I feel this heaviness on my chest, my heart feels constricted and tight, like it is being held in a metal clasp
Have you ever had one of the moments where you feel like you just KNOW what is going to happen before it does? One of those moments where you could swear
It's your impression of me that shuts me down. It's your view of who you think I am that prevents you from seeing whom I really am. It's your ideas about what
"Beyond all ideas of right and wrong there is a field, I will be meeting you there."- Rumi In the stillness of my sleep, I wake with my mind stirring, my
The weather outside is frightful. Thunderstorms are brewing. The winds of change blow through my world. I look around and if I truly wanted, I could get fixated on all the drama, the storms of
I am the girl. I am that girl. You know the one. The one that makes your heart beat faster. The one that makes you smile. The one that makes you want to be more
I wake. I open myself. I breathe in deeper. I feel my fear of this expansion, of this birthing, This quaking of my soul as it rattles the cage that it has
I sit here this morning not wanting to open up my text thread with my ex. The negativity, the control, the anger that comes from it, and that I feel inside