There I said it!
One of the major contributing factors to your shitty relationship with your significant other is the fact that you forgot to play.
You have made light of our need as humans to laugh, to enjoy life and to be light in spirit.
Instead you have turned your relationship into something of responsibility, duty, and “adulting.”
And that is what you deem mature.
Healthy even.
However, nothing could be further from the truth.
Intimacy, vulnerability, connection and even trust is supported through play.
Finding the humor in our life, relationship and small moments where we put focus on just those things that make us smile and laugh.
So often I work with couples who say that they are married to their best friend. They speak of days when they felt utterly connected to their partner and they wonder what changed. Then they share about life and how life just sorta took over and they had to “grow up,” they had to get real and be responsible because they had a baby, they bought a house and had more debt so life became about duty and taking care of business.
Life got stressful.
And with the stress the play went away.
They stopped courting each other.
Stopped dating and enjoying adventures.
And the relationship along with the sex and intimacy got drab and boring.
Well no shit Sherlock!
You take the laughter out of relationships and you lose a vital nutrient to connection and intimacy.
You also decrease polarity between the masculine and the feminine and the juicy primal energy that creates desire.
Now let me clear here with you.
Some of you may be thinking that I am referring to sexual play.
That I am reffering to BDSM, or some format of adventure sex or exploring non-traditional relationships even, and sure any of this can fall under play and is fine and dandy for a healthy relationship when both parties desire the same, however THIS is not what I am speaking of at all.
When I say PLAY I am actually referring to childlike play and/or healthy competition.
I am speaking of humor, laughter.
An ability to laugh at ourselves and even joke.
An ability to go past our ego and dare I say GOOFY.
Yes this is what I mean.
Adult play is not always of the sexual nature,
although even the most innocent of play and competition can and will create a primal hunger for each other and expand our sexual connection.
When we tap into our playful primal nature we get more turned on to our partner and to life.
Laughter, movement, the engaged actions of play help to move emotion and energy in our physical bodies as well as help restore a more sound mental state.
Science has proven that those individuals who create space for play, who step outside of the comfort zones of what they deem normal and push themselves to explore deeper aspects of self have healthy mental and emotional states of being.
It is well documented how healthy laughter is for our moods and clarity, even our immune systems.
Smiling triggers certain receptors in the brain that can change a person’s perspective of a moment and significantly help us to feel more positive in life in general.
So if this is all proven then why do we choose to diminish its value in our primary relationships. In our sex. In our intimacy building?
How is it that we cannot see the importance of play in general and laughter in our intimate lives? To help maintain a healthy happy connection?
The majority of women when polled,
“What is a characteristic that you value in a partner?”
Will say, ” Someone who can make me laugh.”
At our core we understand the value,
but as relationships develop and life happens we get forgetful and we stop applying the focus needed to sustain a healthy connected and turned on relationship.
Play being one of the primary gifts of intimate relationships that we turn away from with such ease.
I ask you today to look at your primary relationship.
And if you currently do not have one, I ask that you look at the last relationship(s) that you have had and really explore this vital nutrient.
How are you at play?
What does play mean to you?
What do you find uncomfortable about play?
Doing the inquiry here with self and then discussing what you can do that might be adventurous or playful with your partner can help to re-establish connection, intimacy and desire in your love life and in the bedroom.
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
❤ Another Valentine’s day Is Upon Us… ❤
And some ladies in the house are ALONE.
Well no Queen is ever alone in spirit, because we effing love ourselves,
right ladies?
But we may not have the man of our dreams in bed next to us.
That man who is consciously aware,
emotionally intelligent,
spiritually sound,
makes us laugh,
and when he looks at us has us melt.
Yeah that guy.
Well to all you single queens in the house,
make 2021 the last year that you wake up without your soulmate next to you.
Check out this live training this month where I teach you 10 hacks to calling in the conscious man of your dreams.
Click THIS link below to read all about it and reserve your seat for 7+ hours of training plus 2-weeks of private access to me where we will get you on point and the vibe of your love.
Here are what other Queens are saying about this class:
“Working through this course changed my world. Every training got me more into alignment with who I am and what I really want in a relationship with a man.”
Cecilia Jones
“Kendal is absolutely magical and her energy and passion is contagious. I loved how she brought humor and truth to all these important areas of being a woman and how vulnerable she was in her personal tales. It truly allowed me to feel her and to know that I could call in my true love.”
Kristie Lamar
“I have been struggling with dating for years. After a nasty divorce I really had given up on love, but then I found this course and I kid you not, not four months after working through Kendal’s course I met a man that was everything I had ever wanted. I am happy to share that we are now engaged and planning our future together. In so much gratitude for all the education and resources that were offered here in this course. “
Jen Santers
ACCESS THE BONUS 5+Hours of Training Now!