Men speak different commitment languages than we women do. 

And sometimes they are difficult to understand. 

Am I right ladies?


It’s typically not in our face. 

They are not as emotional typically about their love for us. 

And yet they are. 

If you look into the eyes of a man in love with his woman you will see a light, a passion, a furry and a fear. He will anger more easily. He will be more sensitive. He will laugh frequently and he will want to connect. However, he may not write sonnets and poetry or a hit love song for us.


Your man is committed to you if he can truly know you. 

If you allow him to see you, feel you and you show that he can trust you.

Today’s world has women being commitment phobes more than men. 

Women are untrusting of the masculine and don’t believe that there are any good guys out there, they are not wanting to settle for just someone that is okay, they want the whole package. They want the “WOW” factor you could say for them to say yes and mean it.

And there is nothing wrong with not wanting to commit to a relationship that is not aligned and you find yourself truly in love fully with the person. The issue is that the wow factor for many women still resembles an outside persona, and can tend to be very superficial even. 

I have spoken with many  women who are caught up on the size of a potential partner’s manhood just as much as they want to know the size of his bank account. As if either of these two things guarantee love, happiness, or soul alignment.


All these things do is to support our men not feeling accepted in a relationship. 

Acceptance is probably the number one challenge that men have in relationships and being able to fully lean into and trust a potential life partner. 


There is the old statement about how men never want their woman to change, while women enter relationships looking at what the man can become. We say that we see all this greatness in our guy and that’s all we want for him, for him to be his best and that we support it. However, what we’re actually stating is that we are not 100% with the man that he is right now! 


So we enter the relationship conditionally.

Expecting change.

Not happy with who he is. 

And he can feel that ladies. 

He knows that you are not accepting of him. 

And that keeps him from wanting to commit, it keeps his heart shut down to you. 

Granted he may still fall in love, he may push through the lack of acceptance, 

After all, your beautiful eyes looking up at him during an intimate moment can wash all his concerns away, but it still will reside there under the surface and haunt him.

Simple fact: he needs to feel accepted by you.

And in order for you to accept him….

You need to freakin’ accept yourself first. 


Get this ladies, ACCEPTANCE is one of the ways our men show us that they are committed and feeling love for us. They look for ways to show that they accept us for just being us. They might tell us how beautiful we are first thing in the morning. They may kiss us with our teeth not brushed. They may watch us shower or dress. They will cuddle us when we are sick. They will hold us when we cry. They will shut up and NOT try to fix the problem but just let us share.


Which leads me to another thing guys do when they are revealing they are committed and in love…

They show empathy. Empathy is a two way street of revealing. To truly have empathy we have to be emotionally mature. We have to want to be transparent with our partner and share our feelings as much as we want them to share theirs. Empathy is about seeking happiness in conflict instead of being right, it shows that we value and respect our partners needs, desires and wants instead of focusing on finger pointing. When your man shows empathy he is saying that he has an emotional bond with you and values your heart and feelings. 


When your man is in “the feels” with you his primal protective nature will stand out loud and proud. His presence level when you are out and about will be on fire, he will be more consciously aware of the surroundings. He will want to make sure that you are kept safe. Not because you are fragile and weak, not because you need him to save you, but because you are special to him and he wants to make sure that he is protecting you not just through showing you empathy, but also physically from any harm that may be in your midst. The protective lover reveals himself by opening doors, seating himself to see the room, looking around spaces and corners, perhaps making sure that you walk on the inside furthest away from danger, etc. This protective nature plays a role emotionally as well, because he does not want to cause your heart pain either. He wants to guard you and show you his love so he will be more conscious of his actions and words as well. 


Which leads yet to another thing men in love and committing to a woman will do.

He will learn you. 

Yes he will learn your love languages ladies. 

He will learn what is meaningful to you and he will want to perform these acts for you, because he wants you to feel loved and cherished. He wants you to know how he adores and respects you. How he honors you. He will not insist that you feel love the way he deems right or understands. Just like he will learn your body and learn what pleasures you. He will want to see you smile, laugh, relax, feel safe and orgasm because this will bring him fulfillment and show his love and commitment to you.


Men move at all speeds in a relationship. Depending on how hungry they are for the feminine, depending on what their wounding from previous relationships are like and how much work they have taken upon themselves to heal and trust themselves again and certainly depending on how long they have witnessed us women in life. If a man has taken the time to view his lady love in different situations, and feels that he has truly seen her then he is far more motivated to progress the relationship along. Sometimes, this progression happens early on with him showing inclusivity. When a man asks you to come to a work function, meet his friends or family or asks for input on plans he is saying I want to go deeper with you. He is saying that your thoughts about things matter to him and that he wants you to see more of him on all levels as well. He is also showing that he trusts you as he would not be opening up these parts of his life to you if he did not want to lean and trust more.


Now when a man sets his mark, feels that he wants to deepen things even more and he feels as though you are aligned and can have a common mission you could say in life then he will show you his love and commitment to you, to the love he is feeling and to the relationship by leading it.  He will want to progress. He will let his desire be known. This is where he may suggest living together, or spending more time together, or make long term plans. He will inquire what your goals are, needs or ideas are for the coming years. He will no longer just speak about the next date or a trip but be speaking about years in the future. 


Your man’s commitment to you is revealed to you as you reveal yourself to him and he believes that you are aligned. 


So beautiful woman, let him see you.

Feel you. 

And experience your truth. 

Stop hiding or masking. 

Stop giving him what you believe he wants to see and feel.

That will only cause uncertainty. 


And As Always, 

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”


It’s time to live out loud, free and in love.

Manifest your soul relationship today.

Reach out to me for mentoring and the law of attraction in love, abundance and life happiness now.