Wow! July is upon us in just a few days. Fireworks are starting to fill the nights sky if you are out of the city far enough. I was out in Princeton last night and enjoyed watching my kids ride bikes, have a water balloon fight, get so excited about feeding the farmers horses and goats down the way and even more enthusiastic over trying to catch fire flies. The night sky was lovely and in the evenings simplicity it was a fuck yes night.
However as the temperature is rising, the lull of summer heat, activities and exhaustion has come over many of us and with it there is a silencing of our desire to move forward with our inner work. Many people are struggling to push through things at this time of the year. Summer time with as much fun as it presents also bares with it a sense of frustration and overwhelm.
Half the year is gone.
Another month has passed and still things are just lingering out there.
That fuck yes lifestyle, that fuck yes relationship are still not here. The problem is not your surroundings or often even your  lack of focus. The issue falls to your JOY, your LOVE, your FLOW.
We try to get what we want by controlling what we already have
We try to demand the universe/God to give us our desired life/relationship by focusing on what we don’t want to have happen and thus creating exactly what we don’t want to have happen.
We become MORE logical.
More controlled.
More rigid in our ways.
When what we need to do is lean into and breathe deeper into the natural flow of abundance that is all around each of us. We need to dance more, laugh more, enjoy more, sex more, orgasm more, cry more.
Anytime we shut down any emotion and try and control our feelings about things we in turn shut down life. We shut down our abundance.
It is your birth  right to have a life of abundance, joy, love and orgasm.
Will you accept it?
Life moves forward no matter what you decide. And please don’t try and say that your not ready to decide, because that in itself is a decision. Movement toward or away from just like choosing to stand still are all CHOICES.
Life is happening NOW! Where are you at?
Be sure to check out Orgasmic Life Coaching for Men & Women and start creating your Fuck Yes! Life NOW!!!!