Who will you be in 2019?
Here is the question that my mentor asked me recently.
At first when I heard it I wanted to jump to the answer.
I wanted to confidently state all my dreams and goals as though they were already.
But as I sat with this question,
truly sat with it and allowed it to settle into every cell of my being I could feel great emotion bubbling up with it.
I could feel myself not simply wanting to state with confidence my dreams and goals,
No, I wanted far more than this.
I wanted to truly feel myself expand.
And I was already being gifted this beautiful idea of expansion in being asked,
Who will you be in 2019?
And here is what I came up with.
I will be a woman on fire,
on fire for her life.
I will be a mother,
present, in love and compassion,
showing my children how to live fully,
and how to fly.
I will be a lover,
learning what I truly want for this next season of my intimacy. Committing to my true heart and core.
I will be a thought leader,
helping those who feel aligned to me to expand who they are and tap into the f-ck yes life they deserve.
I will be the soul crusader that I have always known that I am.
Never allowing for settling,
willing to rock the boat,
to stand in the face of that which is uncomfortable and THRIVE.
I will be a content creation magician,
open to my aligned intuitive desires and letting them unfold in ease.
I will be ONLY a F-ck YES to myself,
at all cost.
I will live from a place of ease, grace, gratitude and joy.
I will be vulnerable, open and turned on.
I will be SOULFUL.
I will be magnetic.
I will be AUTHENTIC.
I will be deliberate.
I will be a mother f-cking bad a*s!!!!!
I will be a Rock Star in my business and in my life!
The truth is love,
my goal is to make 2019 a year that I am so effing proud of that I cannot help but brag about.
And what is wrong with that?
I know that some people cringe at the words,
brag and proud or pride.
I know that it may sound cocky to say that this is my desire, to be a F-ck YES! only to myself.
I know that to some,
who I aim to be for 2019 is not desirable,
and the thing is that I don’t really effing care.
And neither should you love.
because who you are.
Who you want to be.
Who your soul is screaming at you to get into alignment to becoming,
is most likely not going to please the majority of people.
And the sooner that you get right with this fact.
The sooner you realize that when you firmly,
confidently and unapologetically step into your true self,
that the majority of the world will not approve.
And the reason,
although it does not ultimately matter,
I will share with you for clarity and understanding.
The reason so many will hate on you.
The reason so many will mock and point,
will show their cruelness and even shun you.
Is because your light will be so F-CKING BRIGHT that it will reveal to them all that they are hiding from and do not have the courage to become.
Yes my love,
the more you SHINE,
the more the haters will make themselves known.
The more the darkness will try and take you down.
The average and ordinary,
never like the ones who CHOOSE to LIVE UNBOUND.
The ones who choose to be free,
to be turned on,
SO know this my love,
know that as you answer this question for yourself,
that the only right answer,
is the one that makes you squirm,
makes your feel as though you are hanging on the edge of cliff and taking in all the beauty.
It is the one that makes you shudder,
not from fear but from the thrill,
the thrill that you are FINALLY being a F-ck YES! to yourself.
Ignore all those naysayers.
Ignore all their threats.
Ignore all that they may throw at you,
and walk forward into this year.
This year of your GREATNESS.
This year where you make yourself proud.
Let your LIGHT be seen brightly.
Let your SMILE beam in joy.
Let your LAUGHTER shake fear into their walls of misery,
of this F-ck YES! Year.
As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers!”
Stop fooling around and take the leap that you know that you need.
Stop with all your excuses.
There are 51 weeks left in 2019,
how many more will you let pass with the acceptance of lat years attitudes for this years life?
Let’s get you kick started with Boss Life-500
Take advantage of this signature VIP 1:1 Coaching opportunity NOW!
I only have a couple spot’s still open.