This is a quote I snagged from my beloved 17 year old daughter, Juliana who has been on a body image rant on her ticktock lately.


She posted a pic that promptly someone asked her to take down because their boyfriend follows her… lol (because that is always a good reason to take something down right?)


But this little share is not about our crazy ideas that everyone in the world needs to act, look, or not share things because someone does not trust their boyfriend or girlfriend.  That would be crazy right?


I mean how can we get offended in this day and age about other people’s shares, opinions, or LOOKS….


People be posting workout pictures,

date pictures, travel pictures, baby pictures, kitten pictures ( all sorts of kitty pics…lol- yes both kinds of kitty I am speaking about) and so much more.

Why would we get our panties in a wad over someone’s picture in a swimsuit?



like my picture here..

in my panties and bralette.

I mean some swimsuits show less.

And just because I am a mom of seven does not mean that I “should” look or act any particular way.

And just because I am sharing rawly myself here does not mean that I am anything else then me.


But here we are,

in almost 2021 and we make a habit,

a proud habit at that to slut shame women,

girls, young girls at that about their sexuality.

All the while sexualizing them in all our marketing, “art,” games, television and more.

But lord help the girl or woman who is comfortable in her own skin.

( Now granted, please men who read this and say hey we get shamed too, we got body image issues too. I get it both sexes have all of it going on. But I am not a guy so I am not at liberty to speak from the heart space of a man on this topic, but I can share with you my heart as a 44 year old woman, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a lover, a coach… and that is what I aim to do.)


Back to it almost being 2021,

which it is.

And what are we doing? we are talking smack about ourselves and others, that’s what we are doing.

We are hating on ourselves and others.

We are being super critical, judgemental, blaming and over opinionated about OTHERS and ourselves.

But we keep our self hatred hush hush, right?

I mean no one knows how much you are hating on yourself but you, right?

I mean your world is all hunki dori and no one would guess that you got some issues with those extra curves or pounds, those wrinkles or grey hair.


So you have all the right to cast those stones about that chick that works across from you, right.

I mean how can she be walking into work with that thin bralette on that shows through her shirt. Those pants that creep just so so on her a*s that makes all the guys check her out…

How can she smile and make eye contact like that.

Doesn’t she know the message she is sending?

Maybe she is looking for male attention.


Yeah that is what is going on,

She wants the looks and comments.

She is such a slut.


I mean if it looks like one,

smells like one,

acts like one,

(in your opinion of what one is that is)

then it must be one.

And it’s your business to let her know what you think of her and how “bad’ and “evil” it is to be that.

She is tempting other womens men after all.


Shame on her.


And that chick over there who eats too many carbs all day and drinks all those soda’s, doesn’t she know how bad that is for her?

I mean look at her.

She is overweight.

And it’s just sick how some people let themselves go like that.


Or that woman, who has more kids then the old lady in the shoe.

She needs to respect herself more and learn what causes those babies. Maybe get educated or something. Bet her husband thinks he is throwing a hot dog down a hallway when they have sex.


Some people.

I swear.


Just cannot think of anything but themselves.

They don’t care what they are doing to this world and to others.

They should get that their behaviour is causing us all issues.

And stop being who they are.


I mean thier choices seriously f-ck up your world, your happiness, your ability to be happy, feel confident, or even have trust in your relationship right?




If I was to have an opinion about this matter.

If I were to speak my truth on it.

And if anyone gave two cents about my opinion ( which you may or may not and you may choose to slut shame me about my pic or just make some stupid sexualization comment about it),

then my thoughts and feels on it are simple…


much like my kids opinion.

It’s time to stop buying into everyone else’s standards and judgements of what beauty is. On what good is. On what acceptable is for your sex, your body, your carreer, your life, YOUR HAPPINESS.


It’s time that we learn to respect,

ourselves and have some standards for ourselves which means to stop giving more sh*ts about everyone else’s ideas about us then what we do about what makes us US and happy at our core.


When we learn to love ourselves,

truly love ourselves and accept the skin we are in, the minds that we have and our hearts/emotions then we will turn a pivotal corner in human relating.

Because we will be able to have compassion and grace for being human and different.


Each of us were divinely engineered.

We were born worthy to have a great life.

We were born perfect.

In this skin.


There is always room for improvement.

We can always want to strive to become better.

But until we start to appreciate who we are RIGHT THE F-CK NOW,

then we will never see the beauty in our tomorrow self either.


It’s time to stand up and say,






And be confident in this skin suit that we were given.

It’s a mighty fine one,

no matter the stretch marks, the grey hairs, the wrinkles or the little extra padding….


Acceptance and love of self is your super power to manifest the life that you desire.


Realize that.

Loving yourself fills you up,

makes it where you can support, be empathetic, compassionate and loving toward others.

Acceptance of self provides us the ability to see the good in others.

To have a more loving world,

we have to start with loving ourselves.


It’s time beautiful to walk that beautiful a*s of yours over to the mirror and get lovin’ on yourself.


Cuz’ baby you are worthy.

You are beautiful.

You are brilliant.

Accept it.



As Always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”


Lets crank out 2021 beautiful.

Message me for deet’s on my new 2021 Body beautiful coaching programs now.