The thing is this…

The thing is that EVERY F-cking thing is first conjured up in our mind, then we feel into it.

And I mean we don’t just sit around stuck in our head and think about it,
no we feel into it.
We emotionalize why we want it.
What it would feel like to have it.
What it feels like without it.
And this…
This is the building of DESIRE.
This is the thing,
the thing that takes us into the creation.
It is all about our mindset.
If you have the wrong mindset.
If you have the wrong thoughts, attitudes and beliefs (which are just practiced thoughts),
then you will feel wrong about whatever it is as well.
And together,
your thoughts and your feelings will manifest.
What they manifest is ALL up to you.
There is no one to blame but you.
The beauty and blessing that you taste in this life, YOU CREATED IT.
The pain and sorrow you tasted in this life, YOU CREATED IT.
You my beautiful soul are a powerful manifestor.
Everything in your world,
in your experience,
you have created from thin air, thought and feeling.
These are the ingredients to your EVERYTHING.
If this that I state is so,
If what myself and other coaches, educators and leaders say,
because we have discovered the truth in this,
because we have discovered how incredibly simple it is,
how powerful we each are,
and that it is accessible to EVERYONE,
no certification needed.
And we are LIVING IT,
Then let me ask you this.
Why are you choosing to just continue creating that which does not serve you? Does not make you happy?
Why will you not let go of the old ways of suffering, sadness, anger, blame and disease in your experience and ALLOW your bliss to flow?
I sit here this lunch hour,
lap top in hand, yellow pad by my side, listening to the music I desire, snuggled up on my comfy bed on this rainy day, with a green smoothie and I sit here,
I sit here looking out into this world with gratitude.
I sit here knowing where I have come from,
where I am wanting to go,
and desiring to take so many with me,
but coming to terms with that many will choose not to go on this journey,
they will choose not to, because the FREEDOM scares the shit out of them.
I sit here looking at my life, planning a trip to Ireland,
another to Belize and considering where I want to take my children for Christmas this year.
Do I stay in states and go to the snowy mountains of Colorado?
Do I hop on a ship and go off to Mexico or the Caribbean?
Do I jump on a plane and go to Puerto Rico or Curacao?
I sit here, looking at my finances,
seeing all that I need to cover and find myself in gratitude for the ability to do it all.
The care of my aging mom with dementia,
becoming a grandmother myself in March of next year and helping my daughter become a mother,
supporting my other six children with various needs,
helping support friends and family, going through a custody battle and having to always be on top of attorney fee’s, dealing with medical and dental items for my children, keeping a house running as a single mom, running my business and then still finding the time to breathe.
I look at all of this and all that I did not share as well,
and I see all that I need,
How will it come about?
How can I do all that?
Or Time wise.
I do it daily through my practices.
I do it daily by commanding in my blessings.
This month alone I have called in an additional $27,000 so far and I still have a few days left in the month.
This is above and beyond my normal cash flow.

Can you IMAGINE?

An additional $27,000?

Nice pay raise.
Nice Bonus.
And that is just for the month of September!
How does this happen?
It happens because of what we originally spoke of here.
It is all about mindset.
Belief ( practiced thought).
That is it.
It is,
I will not settle for less,
this is my norm.
So how can it be anything other than that?

See this THING.

This thing I conjured up in my mind a awhile back,
that I journal on daily,
that i think about,
do my inner work on,
feel into,
live in every breath,
and share openly on,
this THING.
The ONLY Thing.
And it is available to you too.
What will you conjure up into your REALITY this October?
In 2019?
I know what I am working on,
I know what my new norm is.
I know what it feels like.
Tastes like.
Sounds like.
Looks like.


It is a F-ck YES! Lifestyle!

Will you be joining me?

As always,

Stop Existing & Start Living

Join me in October for 5 weeks of transformation,
where YOU Claim Your LIFE in 2018 Once and For All.
Message me for details….