For 20-years I have been working with women of all ages. Commonly, women have been referred to me for help with severe premenstrual syndromes, psoriasis, arthritis, fatigue, headaches, allergies, and adolescent and adult acne.
More and more, the women I work with have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Celiac Disease.
In the late 80’s and 90’s Fibromyalgia was commonly reported, in the 90’s Irritable Bowel Syndrome and in the past decade Celiac Disease has become common.
I have successfully treated and even cured many cases with Tantric Therapy.
Like with any sensible approach, Tantric Therapy is not the cure all. However, the holistic nature of Tantric Therapy is the key to the successful treatment of these problems or imbalances. There is a connection between these problems and imbalances and sexuality.
Tantric Therapy’s approach to Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Fibromyalgia is genuinely holistic and involves a psycho/spiritual/sexual/dietary/cleansing strategy.
“At around 20-years old I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, at 30-years old with Celiac Disease, I felt like an old woman. I didn’t date and could barely complete a class in school without having to run to the bathroom. Duncan changed my life…”
Psycho/Spiritual/Sexual (2-3 Two Hour Sessions)
With any illness, healing is only achieved when emotional components are addressed. Treating the physical aspects; doesn’t heal it only treats a symptomatic part. I have found that there is often a psycho/spiritual/sexual somatic connection with these problems and imbalances. Stomach problems along with muscle and connective tissue stiffening are commonly associated with psycho/spiritual/sexual imbalances. At a bare minimum these symptoms have undisputed emotional, spiritual, sexual or psychological stresses associated with them.
Tantric Therapy addresses all of these. Sessions start with a minimum of two to three psycho/spiritual counseling sessions, followed by a series of five to seven bodywork sessions. Bodywork also has a profound psycho/spiritual/sexual somatic connection. In Tantra, there is a premise that emotional/spiritual trauma or stress also stored physically in your body.
Tantric Bodywork (5-7 Four Hour Sessions)
Tantric Bodywork begins with breathing and meditation. In Tantric Therapy, therapeutic intimacy plays a major role. Emotional and spiritual barriers are minimized or removed and the connection with one’s self if emphasized. The Tantric Bodywork sessions are specialized for the treatment of Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Fibromyalgia; however are very similar to my introduction sessions. The sessions are very slow and intentional; and involve massage of every area of the body.
In many of my advanced Tantric Therapy sessions; I often include stretches and/or body poses. However, this is required for this Tantric Therapy modality.
There is also a greater emphasis placed on the stomach or colonic massage. This stomach massage follows the path of the colon and focuses on assisting and spiritual opening the flow of the colon. This massage is conducted in multiple different positions on the table. Gentile pressure is placed near the lowest right side of the stomach just inside the hip bone and then a small counter clock-wise circular movement begins. Then the gentile circular massage works it’s way up under the right side of the ribcage and then across and down the left quadrant of the stomach leader to the left hip bone and toward the pubic bone. This is repeated several times in several positions.
The next steps are a series of colonic enemas. This is an essential part of the therapy and is often a reason why many people do not seek this therapy. I have used colonic enemas for 20-years to treat more than Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. I have seen profound improvements in women with severe premenstrual syndromes, psoriasis, arthritis, fatigue, headaches, allergies, and even acne after being treated with a series of colonic enemas.
The most interesting note I have made over the years is that clients that administered their own enemas or sought colon hydrotherapy elsewhere did not have the same effects as when I administered them in during a Tantric Therapy session. In fact, nearly all of my clients reported absolutely no effect.
The enemas are administered 2-3 times during the session and in different positions and of course require several private trips to the bathroom and returns to the table. It is not uncommon for a dozen trips to the bathroom during a four hours session.I have made over the years is that clients that administered their own enemas or sought colon hydrotherapy elsewhere did not have the same effects as when I administered them in during a Tantric Therapy session. In fact, nearly all of my clients reported absolutely no effect.
The enemas are not painful; and subsequent sessions can be found to be very pleasant.
After the second or third enema; a natural suppository is administered consisting of coconut oil, vitamin E and palm oils. This is always received as being very pleasant and soothing.
The session resumes with a full body massage and optional yoni massage.
Clients are offered a shower and every sessions concludes with reflective counseling and meditation.
Medication and Vitamins
Also, I begin each session with the recommendation and offering 3mg of natural melatonin and tryptophan tablets. (not for sleep)
I also encourage clients to consider the benefits of their current medications and supplements. I strongly encourage women to discontinue the use of birth control pills and all pain medications.
Preparation (2-3 days and 2-Hours before a Session)
- Abstain from eating 2-hours before a session and eat lightly the day before
- Drink 4-6 glasses of water every day upon waking 2-3 days before your session.
- Drink 2.5-3 liters of water daily or increase your water intake
- Abstain from wheat and dairy 2-3 days before the session.
- Abstain from all caffeine, processes foods, alcohol, sugar, and bread 2-3 days before your session.
- Eat lots of fresh vegetables, a little fruit and small amounts of light/white meat or Tofu.
- Abstain from red meat 2-3 days in advance of your session.
After a Session
- Drink 2.5-3 liters of water for 2-3 days after your session; and consider keeping the regiment.
- Avoid raw vegetables for 4-6 hours.
- Avoid heavy meat consumption for 2-3 days.
- Avoid strenuous exercise for 24-hours.
- Drink an electrolyte drink
- Consider starting a probiotic
- Repeat a Tantric Therapy Session in One or Two Weeks.
Dietary Regiment
Consider following the recommendations of a gluten-free diet. Most of my clients find that after repeated Tantric Therapy Sessions they can be on their own preferred diets. However, consider eliminating foods with preservatives, modified foot starch and stabilizers made with wheat. Organic is not always the best. Also consider that products other than food that are ingested by your body; such as make-up and hygiene products.
Clients have come from all of the United States, two other continents to either receive this treatment and learn how to administer the treatment. After years of working with my clients and other practitioners; this treatment stands as a very effective treatment for Celiacs, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.
For more information, please contact me anytime.