In our world, we have always understood the importance of sex and orgasm for men. Women for all of time have been taught, “Keep his balls empty and his stomach full, “to assure a happy man who is less likely to stray.

It’s well understood that women “take longer” to get there and often neither partner is willing to take the time required, not understanding the importance of the orgasm, the sex and that a woman that is adequately “taken care of” once she is consistently turned on, takes far less time to reach orgasm or to get aroused for the actual act of sex itself.

I find it humorous how many couples struggle after the first year or so to find the desire and commitment to engage in sex even once a week, and then when they do, he “gets his” and she is left just providing something believing that it will come back around to her soon. However, a few blow jobs later and a few more sexual encounters with no time being spent on her and zero to no romance and courting, play or adventure between, she loses hope and desire.

THIS is where sex becomes a duty for women. This is also where her heart will start to harden toward her partner.

Question to the men out there: If you only enjoyed sex and had any pleasurable feeling once out of every twenty encounters, would you be full of desire and excitement for the event? Or would you be feeling bitter and used in your sex?

What if because you were not having enough satisfactory sex, your mood, body, mind and hormones all started to shift toward the negative and sex itself even became horribly painful?

This and more is the truth about sex for women.

So, if you are a woman who believes that duty sex is okay, or that you can just go without all together, or that masturbation will be the soothing agent that keeps you balanced because it does provide a quick release, then please keep reading.

If you are a man who thinks that your woman is having good orgasms but she is still having hormone imbalances, stress and sleep challenges, depression, anxiety, cardiovascular issues and is just not ignited, passionate and soft as she used to be, then keep reading.

If you believe that masturbation is the same as sex with a partner, you are wrong.

It certainly provides some sustenance, but it is more like being really hungry and having not ate for some time and someone then offering you a bite of a burger, but what you really need is the whole damn burger and fries to boot. It just takes the edge off and makes you all the more hungry and bitter at what you do not have.

This is true for many reasons, and I will have to share in another article sometime on the differences. But for today, let’s consider that sexual satisfaction and orgasm are integral aspects of human well-being, promoting physical, emotional and mental health. While the health benefits of sexual activity are often discussed, the consequences of orgasm deprivation, particularly in women, have received less attention.

Hopefully I can shed light on the ill effects that the lack of orgasm and sexual activity can have on the female body. By examining scientific research, we will explore the physical, psychological, and relational consequences that may arise from orgasm deprivation. Understanding these potential risks can help raise awareness about the importance of sexual satisfaction and encourage a holistic approach to women’s health.

Yes, good sex is a holistic approach to health!

9 Hidden Dangers of Orgasm Deprivation: Scientific Insights into the Impact on Female Health

Hormonal Imbalance:

→Orgasms trigger the release of oxytocin and endorphins, promoting feelings of relaxation, bonding, and pain relief.

→Lack of orgasm can disrupt hormonal balance, potentially leading to increased stress, anxiety, and mood disorders.

→Hormonal imbalances may also impact menstrual regularity, fertility, and overall reproductive health.

Weakened Pelvic Floor Muscles:

→Orgasms help strengthen and tone pelvic floor muscles.

→Lack of orgasm may result in weakened pelvic floor muscles, leading to urinary incontinence, prolapse, and reduced sexual sensation.

Decreased Vaginal Lubrication and Elasticity:

→Regular sexual activity promotes healthy blood flow to the genital area, enhancing lubrication and maintaining vaginal elasticity.

→Orgasm deprivation can lead to decreased natural lubrication and vaginal dryness, causing discomfort during intercourse and an increased risk of infections.

Cardiovascular Health Issues:

→Orgasm deprivation can lead to major cardiovascular problems.

→Hormonal Release: During orgasm, the body releases hormones such as oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins. These hormones have several beneficial effects on cardiovascular health. For example, oxytocin helps lower blood pressure and reduces stress, which can have a positive impact on heart health.

→Increased Heart Rate: Orgasms can elevate heart rate and improve blood circulation, similar to moderate physical exercise. This increased cardiovascular activity can help strengthen the heart muscle and enhance overall cardiovascular health.

→Improved Blood Flow: Orgasms lead to vasodilation, where blood vessels widen, resulting in improved blood flow. Better blood circulation ensures that the heart receives adequate oxygen and nutrients, supporting its proper function.

→Stress Reduction: Sexual pleasure and orgasms trigger a relaxation response in the body, reducing stress and anxiety. Chronic stress is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and by promoting relaxation, orgasms may help protect the heart.

Increased Stress and Anxiety:

→Orgasms release neurochemicals that alleviate stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being.

→The absence of regular sexual activity and orgasms may contribute to elevated stress levels, anxiety, and a reduced ability to cope with daily stressors.

Negative Impact on Mood and Mental Health:

→Orgasms release endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, which are associated with mood regulation and feelings of happiness.

→Orgasm deprivation can lead to decreased levels of these neurochemicals, potentially contributing to depression, decreased self-esteem, and an overall negative mood.

Impaired Sleep Quality:

→Sexual activity and orgasm have been shown to promote better sleep quality due to the release of oxytocin and endorphins.

→The lack of sexual satisfaction may lead to difficulties falling asleep, insomnia, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Impact on Relationships:

→Decreased Intimacy and Relationship Satisfaction.

→Sexual intimacy, including orgasms, fosters emotional connection, bonding, and relationship satisfaction.

→Orgasm deprivation may lead to a decreased sense of intimacy, diminished sexual desire, and increased relationship dissatisfaction.

→Communication and Trust Issues.

→A lack of sexual fulfillment can lead to communication breakdown and decreased trust between partners.

→Open dialogue and mutual understanding regarding sexual needs are crucial for maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship.

Increased Risk of Infidelity:

→Unsatisfied sexual desires due to orgasm deprivation may increase the likelihood of seeking sexual satisfaction outside the relationship.

→Maintaining a fulfilling sexual connection within a relationship is important for reducing the risk of infidelity.

While the effects of orgasm deprivation on the female body are often overlooked, scientific evidence suggests that it can have significant physiological, psychological, and relational consequences. From hormonal imbalances and weakened pelvic floor muscles to increased stress levels, cardiovascular issues and decreased relationship satisfaction, as well as just providing a fullness and interconnectedness to life. The importance of sexual well-being cannot be underestimated.

Yet, will you recognize these potential risks?

Will you understand what is being shared here dear reader?

Or will you say, you are:

Too tired

She’s too moody or not interested.

You don’t have the time.

You don’t want to romance and date your partner.

The kids, life, work are in the way.

Name your reason!

And know it’s an excuse.

Because it is just that. Perhaps you are already seeing some of these things manifest in yourself if you are a woman or in your partner if you are with a woman. I am pleading with you to take heed.

It should be noted here that if a woman is showing any of the above signs, that this issue will not be solved in one “good” session or with one orgasm. Much like a wound that has calloused over and the feeling has been numbed, so has your womans body, mind and heart in her sex. She will need coerced into her surrender to pleasure, her body will need to relearn and to relax, to restore itself.

And the best medicine here more sex!

Connective sex.

Slow sex.


Oh, did I mention FOREPLAY!

Yeah it’s that important.

So get to it.

Multiple times a week at least.

To your woman’s health and well-being and your relationship joy and depth.

Restored in your “good sexing.”

Loving you from here always,

Rene Schooler

#sexandmarriage #sexual #orgasm #femaleorgasm #wellness #wellbeing #relationships #intimacy #intimacycoach #love #lovecoach #sexcoach #women #female #bodypositivity #confidence #selfcare #selfesteem

Photography Credit DandelionImages