I want you to close your eye’s and imagine yourself not wanting for anything.

Imagine yourself not stressing or worrying about anything that you may currently be focused on in your life.

Can you do that?

Many people have a tough time with this simple exercise.
Many people when I ask them to calm their fears and their thoughts around what they do not have look at me as though I have three heads and state,

” I can’t do that, it must be nice though for those who can.”

Is this what you are feeling at my request as well beautiful?
Or are you among the not so average and ordinary who understand and practice the calming of your hyperactive mind and fears?

If you are like the first option then this message is certainly for you. If you are the latter well this message is still for you and it will serve you well to get some extra reinforcement and confidence in your power.

Earlier today my thirteen year old son Levi came to me sharing his desire to learn meditation as he believes after much research and reading that it is the key to him being able to manifest the things that he wants quicker then what he has been doing and that it will also open him up to divine insight. He told me that it scares him to death to think about doing it because he does not know what he is capable of or what messages from soul will come through to him but he is committed to taking on this practice and exploring it.

How beautiful is that authentic truth share he offered to me today as well as the courage and commitment that he is showing to manifest his desires?

And he is thirteen!
I share this because I want you to know that his simplistic understanding and belief is all any of us ever need.
He is more then accurate in what he is believing around meditation and if he chooses as he states to apply himself with focus to the practice then he will reap rewards that he is not even aware of.

People ask me all the time what I do in a coaching session with someone? What they could expect for results in working with me.

The truth is the results depend on the person not on me.
My role in the scenario is to guide and to share what I KNOW works with application and commitment. How coachable someone is has nothing to with me.

One of the main things that I work with people on is the above. Helping them to realize how powerful their thoughts are and how those thoughts translate to feelings and actions.

You see, often what we do out of comfort in habit and false belief is the VERY THING that HOLDS US BACK from our success in having the life that we want.

If you feel unsettled around getting out of your comfort zone.
If you feel nervous about committing to something that is calling to you at a SOUL or CORE level.
If you get excited but then quickly move yourself into doubt about your abilities, worth, etc to make it happen.
If you find yourself with a million and one great reasons (a.k.a. excuses) as to why you cannot do it at this time.

Then beautiful it is time for you to GET REAL with yourself!
You are scared of your own success.

You are fearing your power.
You are fearing how amazing you really are.
You are terrified at what you can create.

And somewhere inside of you,
YOU KNOW that you can have it all.

But the fear of loosing it,
the fear of stepping up to the plate and owning that life that you want is trapping you.
And you are settling for comfort.
Settling for excuses and reasons.

And you because you are ALLOWING this way of living and being you will continue to have what you have.

It all starts with you finding your happy place.
It all starts with you being able to laugh at yourself and show yourself some compassion.
It all starts with you being able to make friends with yourself.
To find the stillness within and let it wrap its peace and flow around you.

Without this…
STRUGGLE will prevail.

So what do you say beautiful?
Are you ready to claim your life?
Your happiness.
Your joy.
Your pleasure.

I sure AF hope so.

But its starts with YOU GETTING OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE and tapping into your mystery.

Let Go and Let Flow Baby!

And As Always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
” Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”