I have a thing for a man who can get into his primal nature.
A man who can make my heart flutter with his firm directive touch.
A man who knows his core.
Knows his desire, is comfortable in standing in his truth and let’s me feel it from his deepest soul expression.
I love the masculine who penetrates me with his hunger for life.
Who dives deeper into my feminine not just with his words or body but with his consistent stable energy.
A masculine who gets that the greatest adventure in life is the journey of discovery of self through the awakening of unconditional love.
A masculine who wants to rope the moon and stars not to prove his love but to conquer his purpose. To embrace his divinity.
I love a man who twirls my energy and opens my heart to believing that more is always possible.
A man is steadfast, secure and proactive.
A man who addresses his fears in love with a willingness to hear a deeper level of himself.
I love a man who loves my strength.
Not because he loves a strong woman who does not need him, or can take care of him or mother him, but because he wants my strength by his side to conquer the greatest dreams and turn them into a reality.
I love a man who sees my truth,
Embraces my heart, my sex and my soul as though it were the greatest gift ever given.
Never wanting to own, to harness or take for granted,
But instead knowing that by igniting it further that I will surrender fully to him and entwine and lift us both into the heavens of love.
I love a man that does not run from my fires but instead embraces them and smiles. Opening my heart further into his steadfast commitment and love.
I love a man who can read my heart with his tender looks and touches while leading me deeper into spaces that I have not discovered and would not without him by my side.
I love a masculine who does not need me,
But chooses me because we are bonded at an energetic level that his soul knows in certainly and love.
I love a man who does not go soft with me…
Not in his truth.
Not with his core.
Not in his desire.
Not in his words.
His primal passion,
His hunger of mind, body and soul,
It remains powerful and aligned.
No matter how the winds of life swirl and push, the storms that crash in,
He does not bow to them.
But chooses to kneel before my alter,
Opening himself to the treasures that my heart wants to give.
In certainty.
I love a man who knows and loves himself so much so that he will never go soft with me.
To all the men of the world looking for a powerful turned on woman,
This is your mission.
Your journey starts within.
In loving self.
Knowing self.
And being strong in your core.
Never let a woman be your purpose.
Never need her,
Choose her.
And she will surrender to your divine love.
As always,
Stop Existing & Start Living
Coaching for Grown A*s Believers