Do you feel like you are missing something?
I watch you daily beautiful and I see that you want a life full of reward,
full of joy and abundance,
full of connection and a life where you can just BE YOU unapologetically.
I watch you sharing your heart about things,
posting pictures of your babies,
putting out your desires of travel and not having to worry about making ends meet,
but in turn having more than enough with plenty left over.
I see you.
I also see your lostness.
I see your fear to step away from what is so familiar.
I see you sharing from a place of desperation.
I see your words that you paint but you cannot stand behind energetically.
I see you making claims and wanting to believe them,
but feeling like you are an imposture in the same.
I witness your gifts daily beautiful.
I have witnessed the beauty in your heart.
But you are still missing something.
You know the THING.
The thing that you are missing,
that you just cannot seem to fully surrender too.
The thing that keeps calling your name,
grabbing your attention,
and you say no too.
Yet you KNOW.
Don’t you?
You KNOW, that if you keep ignoring it that you will never accomplish what you want.
You seek,
you search,
you gain more education,
and you stumble forward on this path of yours.
Every time you fall to your knees,
you look around and wonder why…
Why have you not yet made it happen?
Why does all this hard work not get you to where you want?
Why does it seem that no one see’s your efforts or cares?
Why does it work for so and so, but not for you?
How much longer can you keep pushing like you are before you really crash and can give no more?
It’s this THING beautiful.
It’s just this THING…
You keep turning away from it.
You keep ignoring it’s existence in your life.
You keep saying that it is not so even though your SOUL leads you to it consistently.
But it is missing from your life.
And you keep allowing it to be missing.
You search for it and act as though you don’t know what it is.
Your lies do not become you beautiful.
These lies to self,
they do not serve you but to keep you in what is familiar,
what is comfortable and safe.
The average and ordinary that you claim that you do not desire to be living,
you stick too like glue by denying the realness of what you ignore.
The THING beautiful that you are looking for…
The THING that you are missing….
The THING that is holding you back and keeping your dreams at bay.
This thing,
it’s your BELIEF.
Your conviction.
Your commitment.
It’s all about you BEING YOU.
The THING that you are missing and looking so hard for is YOU.
Your dreams are not manifesting because you are denying yourself.
Your desires are cast away from you and replaced with worry because you are not listening to your SOUL.
And the reason you cannot find yourself is because you are insistent that you are lost.
As long as you proclaim that you don’t know…
As long as you state your reality to be one of not having…
As long as you continue chasing something that you believe you do not currently posses…
YOU will remain out alignment with EVERYTHING you want.
YOU will remain out of alignment with EVERYTHING you want.
It is time beautiful,
to pull back the curtains on your truth.
It is time own who you are.
But you will have to change what you have been focused on.
You will have to rattle your own cage,
and step fully into the responsibility of being you.
Are you ready?
As Always,
Stop Existing & start Living
“Coaching for Grown A*s Believers”
I know that you may be scared.
I have been in those shoes before all too many time.
But that fear is not going to stop you.
You are powerful.
Introducing 12- weeks of “Unstoppable Power – It’s My Time To Fly!”
This is a once in a life time to work with me 1:1 from anywhere in the world.
If you are a man or a woman who is looking for a powerful game-changing opportunity to claim the life that you desire in FAITH and learn how you can access your dreams quickly by releasing old programs based in fear and shame around your worthiness, joy and abundance then this 12-weeks is for you.
Stop letting everything be an excuse!
You deserve better than those reasons you have to stay trapped in your comfort bubble of suffering.
Let’s level up your life over summer.
Message me for deet’s or leave a comment here.