openlotus2 years have gone by…

and the place where I have landed to begin again feels fresh, exciting, real, scary, joyful, and full!  Looking back, I can see how each of my experiences prepared me for this new world.  I have learned humility, resilience, forgiveness, strength, resourcefulness.

Just a few weeks ago, I received a list of things for homework from a life coach.  One of the first items on the list was to OM.  To learn and practice Orgasmic Meditation.  This practice is re-shaping me, literally!  I feel like an artichoke; with the prickly outer leaves falling away, sensation begins to return to my body and my mind, revealing the softer, fuller leaves on the inside.

I am discovering things about me that have obviously been there all along, just tucked and hidden far from the outer shell that is visible.  Music sounds richer, relationships more authentic, eye contact more often, smiles and laughter more abundant, joy more often and in so many little things, feelings more noticeable, activities more purposeful.

All this sounds too good to be true?  That’s what I thought, too.  At first….but then, slowly, these changes started stacking up, demanding to be noticed.  I am so grateful for those trudging steps out of my car into a small coffee shop on a dark cold evening!  I am so thankful for a cOMmunity that lives authentically!  I am so excited to be peeling away the layers that reveal the center of the artichoke, my heart!

Yes, I am alive, and my heart is beating, and feeling, and brave, and oh, so real!

–Patricia G. Dallas, TX. (Orgasm Coaching for Women Client 2014)