Accessing the Light Of Your Desire.
I woke with a hunger. My sex was on fire and I knew what I needed. I rolled over, spread my legs and moaned a sigh of desire. Here my
I woke with a hunger. My sex was on fire and I knew what I needed. I rolled over, spread my legs and moaned a sigh of desire. Here my
Poly-monogomish FOREVER! Can't help it. Just the way I am wired. This identification does not mean that I won't be monogamous. It does not mean I will cheat or get bored. It does not mean
He asked if I would get on birth control for him. We were really clicking. The conversations, the touch, his kiss. OMFG! it was hot and I wanted him so badly. I wanted to move forward
He held me in his vulnerability. His heart racing. His hands with a soft tremble. I could feel heat radiating from his chest as he pressed firmly but in love into me. His breath
GIVE ME YOUR POWER. I AM THE MAN AND WHAT I SAY GOES. Another laughable topic of today's time. The man who acts like this and believes that he is worthy of
SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME.... I mean we have been dating for sometime now after all. And you are such a sweet person. I love how you make me feel.
Every woman wants a guy to have a rockin' resume! I mean all of us want that night in shining armor. We want him to be tall, dark and handsome. We want him
Can you imagine starving? Can you imagine what it must be like to be so hungry and not have food available, or to not be able to consume the food that
You can't touch this.... Touch. Hands on attention. Something that is so needed, so human, so intimate and connective. Yes touch is something beautiful. Unless it is not wanted. Unless it is given