Am I vibing with you?
I sure hope I am.
Or maybe I hope I am not.
It really depends on where you are vibing at.And I say this, because we often do not pay attention to our vibe, let alone other people’s vibe.
But I can tell you this. VIBE is where it is at baby!
If you want to have that F-ck Yes Life, If you want to call in THE ONE, If you want to have blessings wash all over you, then you better be vibing in the same frequency as them. The things we desire the most are often high hanging fruit, and this high hanging fruit will not come down to us.
And if it does…..
Then it has lowered its VIBE.And you most likely won’t want it so much anymore.
This happens in relationship all the time.
We humans have the power to increase or decrease our vibe in no time flat.
It all stems from the thoughts we are thinking, the emotions we are feeling, and thus the actions we are taking.
High vibing people, you know the one’s…
You may even be one of the one’s.
And I hope that you are luv.But either way, you may want to know how to determine if someone is high vibe or low vibe.
High Vibe peep’s are radiant,
they are turned on to life,
they are self-motivated,
they do not mask life or the experiences that life offers them.
They are not living in a victim mentality.
They are proactive.
They love forward movement,
They value alone time.
They know that more is always possible.
They see the interconnectedness of things.
They are grateful.
They are grounded.
They bounce out of negative thinking quickly.
They smile – A LOT!
They are easy to be around.
They have healthy, strong boundaries.
They don’t give a sh*t what you think of them.
They are abundant.
Blessings flow to them with ease.
They are not needy, but they do desire much.
They are in integrity with self.
High VIBE is where it is at baby!
Living a high VIBE life is what you were born to do.
It is where you will discover everything that you want the most.
And you can get there.This you can.
But you are not going to get there, if you are still trying to get your needs met by everyone else who is low vibing it.
You won’t get there if you are caught in worry, or anxiety and fear.
You won’t get there if you are giving to many f-cks about everyone else’s opinions and judgements.
You won’t get there if you insist on hanging with low vibing friends, family and lovers.
And this can cause some mighty BIG issues in life, the main one being that you MUST realize that many of the people you have in your life RIGHT NOW,
won’t follow you up in VIBE.
And you will loose these people in some fashion.
So that alone may stop you.
You may not want to loose this person, or that one.
You may say it’s not worth it.
You may think I am wrong and try and drag their sweet ass along.
And you can for a bit, although the dragging of dead weight will certainly drain you at some point,
and then you will either drop them, or surrender to creeping back down into lower vibe, where life was…..
And difficult.
Where you were not happy.
And you may say that it is worth it.
As long as you can keep these peep’s in your life, then it is worth it to be low VIBE.
And that is fine.
That is your choice.
And you will make this choice many, many multiple times throughout your life.
Just know though, that if you want to have that F-ck Yes! Lifestyle, you want abundance, deep love, and happiness.
That you will have to make changes in whom you choose to hang around.
Because the saying is so true,
“You become like those you hang around.”
So if you look at your top five people in your life, how are they VIBING?
And if we look just at the income of these five…how abundant are they?
You want to know where you are headed in the next 12 months.You will be about 50-70% of the median of these five in total.
Is that satisfactory to you?Then great.
carry on.
If not.
Time to change your VIBE TRIBE.
We all have to level up our relationships as we grow, some come back around as they grow with us in vibe, some we revisit and feel the constriction in our bodies.
While others are lost forever.
And still others Climb beside us.
What does your VIBE TRIBE say about you?
As always, Stop Existing & Start Living
If you are ready to make the leap then reach out to me today. I am running a Christmas special where you get 2-months of coaching for FREE. Check it out and use the SANTAGIFT code in the why you want to work with me HERE