But boy is it ever worth it.

And I believe that it is how God intends on each of us to live.

Remaining open,

breathing into life,

and allowing ourselves to always lean forward in love no matter what the perception of a situation may be.


How freeing is it to all those we engage with when we enter into a situation from love and from a place of knowing that we can always feel good. It is a choice.

It is a habit to make feeling good our priority in life.


Sure there are those times when shit hits the fan and you feel your heart tugged,

you feel like you may not  be able to breathe or even survive from the sheer pain that is moving through you,

but even in these moments where suffering feels inevitable there can still be love,

there can still be joy.

You can align to your inner being and to God and you can lean into the feelings,

into the pain and see it for what it is.

A mask.

A mask that is blocking our truth.

The truth of who we are and how beautiful we all are when we are open to our true nature.


It is hard to see our beauty or how lovely our lives can be when we are washed over with difficult times,

when our emotions are sharing with us the opposite of anything that feels good.

When we are full of questions, concerns, worry and fear.

When we feel like we have made massive mistakes and that we are “bad people.”


But if we choose in these moments to open ourselves up,

to face those fears,

to stand before our egos illusions and to breathe further into the experience,

to lean further into that, that we fear so deeply,

that has us wanting to run and hide,

and we do it from our innermost spaces,

which are love.


Then we can experience bliss even in the midst of pain.

We can expand further into who we truly are,

and we can stand strong in our knowing of self.

Here there is no fear of getting it wrong.

Here there is no worry of what will be or come,

There is only love.


And love does not feel pain.

Love is not fearful of the moment or the future.

Love does not question if it is right.

Love does not doubt its experience.

Love just is that love,

and love is blissful.


It ignites us.

It is seeing our lives through rose tinted glasses.

It has us hungry to feel deeper and more of it.

Love expands us and has us desiring to share it,


without constraints and restrictions,

there are no rules to love because it just is our purest state of being.


For us to feel this glory however,

we must push past the ego based will and programs of our human state,

where we shackle love,

where we control it and dictate how it is to move and be expressed,

where it is okay to share according to what the world, society and our peeps deem fitting.

As long as we sit back and let this world tell us how to love and what to feel and what is correct or not,

as long as we hold our hearts out in approval from those who do not even feel our hearts,

and ask that they be forgiven for feeling the way that they do,

as though love is a mortal sin,

an evil that cannot or should not be seen,

unless it fits in this tidy little expression of itself,

yes until we let go of these beliefs,

we will never feel our truth.

We will never be able to fully access our highest potential and to live in full expression of our soul.

We will forever be preventing the mystery of God to move through us in its full capability,

because we have not learned how to trust in love.

How to be moved by it,

and how love is the gateway to our truth.

Our power and our wisdom.

It is the aligning agent that we all crave and search for,

but as we feel it empressing itself upon us we fear its power,

thus fear our truth.


We fear the pain of losing love,

but we cannot ever lose it.


When we feel love with another being it is just showing us how beautiful we are.

The feeling of love for another is a mirror reflection of our alignment to our truth, to God and how our inner beings feel about us and this life that we are living.

The masks of the ego are not residing in these moments of truth.

Only our souls are speaking and letting us feel their words through the flutter of our hearts.


Fear and beauty dance in this space of opening up.

We move from ego to soul,

soul to ego.

And the world keeps spinning and sharing its illusions with us.

Our next steps into our truth will only ever be determined by what we choose to focus on,

by what we choose to listen to more.


soul or ego.

beauty or fear.


These are our options.

This is the human experience,

the expansion of our vessels,

the meeting of who we are,

the meeting of our truth.


Lean in and feel the raggedy edge of your ego,

where you will fear your heart but desire to be set free.



And in love.




As Always,


Stop Existing & Start Living


Coaching for Grown A*s Believers



October Asskickery Month is almost upon us.


Are you wanting to make some changes in your life, love or sex?


Want to take action but do not know where to start?


Need a swift kick to get what you want?


Reach out to me about this global opportunity to have that F-ck Yes Life that you are wanting for now.